it looks okay to me in the slices you sent, but it's hard to tell.
Basically you should check the ?h.white surface and see if it follows the
true boundary, and if not edit the wm.mgz to add/delete voxels
p.s. if you are still not sure, tar and gzip the subject and drop it on our
On Wed,
12 Nov 2008, Burmicz, Ryzarda wrote:
Hello there,
We have a subject processed using recon-all that possesses a dimple in the
region of the left lateral ventricle. We would like your opinion as to whether
or not it requires fixing and how - we are not sure how to go about it (i.e. if
it requires a wm.mgz fill how much of it should be filled? It is a tricky
subject in that it is quite an asymmetrical brain). This dimple will surely
impact upon the mean cortical thickness, a metric which we are interested in
using, and therefore we would prefer to fix it if possible.
The dimple is approx at talairach -22.0 -40.5 11.8
I attach some screen shots from tksurfer and tkmedit, although I think it might
be best seen from different orientations so let me know if I should upload the
Many thanks,
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