Dear Freesurfer List

I want to look at the average thickness maps for each of my groups, not just 
the statistical maps displayed by qdec. I think I found a tool that can do 
this. I used mri_preproc and a list of subjects instead of a single subject, 
and now have the output. I do not know to view this output though (<group 
descriptor>_thickness_fsavg.mgh). Can someone explain what this output is and 
how I can use it?

The other alternative is make_average_surface for each of my groups. Is that 
what I need to be doing? It takes a ong time to run, so I was hoping there was 
another way to go.

Thank you

Best regards,

Jennifer Bramen, Ph.D.
David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
Developmental Cognitive Neuroimaging 635 Charles Young Drive South
Los Angeles, CA 90095-7332
Phone: (310)267-5116
Fax:  (310)206-5518
Campus Mail Code 176919

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