Hi Y'all, sorry for not chiming in sooner. Jeff, if you have multiple eccen or polar runs, you should just be able to set them up as runs in the fsfast directory structure (ie, as dirs with 0-padded, 3digit run numbers), and it should find them and combine them properly. And you can include the directionality in the paradigm file, as you have suggested.


Don Hagler wrote:
I am not familiar with fsfast, so someone with intimate knowledge of the code (Doug?) could help more. But if you can specify the stimulus order in your paradigm files, then you should not have to do any phase reversals yourself. It seems strange (i.e. bug-like) that your fieldsign comes out different for the two sessions in this situation. When you view the resulting polar angle and eccentricity maps in tksurfer, are the colors reversed as well?

Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 15:01:53 -0400
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Can fieldsigns be added across sessions?
From: jeffrey.s.phill...@gmail.com
To: dhagle...@hotmail.com
CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

Hi Don,

Thanks for writing back again. Let me clarify: in our last session, we had a scanning menu like this:

1 run polar/clockwise
1 run eccen/expanding
1 run polar/counter-clockwise
1 run eccen/contracting

The difference in direction was reflected in our paradigm files (*.par), with clockwise & expanding runs categorized as positive, and the others as negative. I have assumed that if the paradigm files specify this difference, it will not be necessary to manually flip the signs for negative runs. Is this correct?


On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 2:45 PM, Don Hagler <dhagle...@hotmail.com <mailto:dhagle...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

    1. Fieldsign is supposed to be -1 or 1, without values in
    between.  It is the sign of the cross product.  I don't see why
    you would want to average the fieldsign.  You will get the best
    estimate of the fieldsign by calculating it from the average of
    all your available data.
    2. Reversing the stimulus direction would definitely affect the
    fieldsign calculation.  And you will have to take it into account
    if you average across scans or sessions.   By that I mean you need
    to reverse the phase (by setting the imaginary component negative)
    of one direction before adding to the other.  I also subtract a
    few seconds worth of phase to account for hemodynamic delay.
    3. The sign may be arbitrary, but it is not random.  The fieldsign
    depends on whether you consider clockwise a positive or negative
    rotation and expansion positive or negative.  If you change either
    of those conventions, the fieldsign will flip.  Also, the color
    wheel in tksurfer depends on those conventions.  Red is supposed
    to be upper field and green is suppoed to be lower field.  That
    too is an arbitrary assignment, but it only holds true for
    clockwise rotations.  For counterclockwise, you need to reverse
    the phase for the colors to look right.
    4. Someone else may know if the fsfast tools can handle this type
    of situation.

    Date: Mon, 11 May 2009 12:40:41 -0400
    Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Can fieldsigns be added across sessions?

    From: jeffrey.s.phill...@gmail.com
    To: dhagle...@hotmail.com <mailto:dhagle...@hotmail.com>
    CC: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

    Hi Don,

    Thanks for your comments.  I will try operating on the
    eccentricity and polar angle maps first--however, if I calculate a
    fieldsign from average maps, I presume that the fieldsign map will
    not be similarly graded, but rather binary.  I'll have to think
about how to adapt that to our purposes.
    I'm confident that the stimulus order was not reversed between
    sessions.  One difference which did exist was that the first
    session involved unidirectional stimulation (i.e., only clockwise
    wedges and only expanding rings), while the second session
    involved bidirectional stimulation in alternating runs (i.e., both
clockwise/counterclockwise and expanding/contracting rings). Would this difference create any problems?

    More generally, I'm still a bit confused about the calculation of
    the fieldsign.  The wiki notes that "positive" and "negative" are
    arbitrarily defined--in other words, these terms don't bear any
    relation to clockwise/counterclockwise stimulation.  It also
    appears (but please correct me if I'm wrong) that the meanings of
    these terms are not linked across the polar angle and eccentricity
    manipulations--that is, I haven't read of any rule that says if
    you call clockwise wedges positive, then expanding rings must also
    be termed positive.  I thought that knowing this directionality
would be important to interpreting the cross-product.
    I have been unable to find a document, wiki page, etc. which
    explains some of these details--if you happen to know of one, I
    would appreciate the reference.



    On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Don Hagler <dhagle...@hotmail.com
    <mailto:dhagle...@hotmail.com>> wrote:

        I think you should average your polar angle and eccentricity
maps across session and then calculate fieldsign from that. You do a complex average (a separate average for real and
        imaginary components).

        By the way, the sign of the fieldsign measure should have a
        fixed meaning; the orientation of the cross product of the
        gradients of polar angle and eccenctricity, relative to the
        cortical surface.  Are you sure you didn't reverse the
        stimulus order or something? Was the projector's image upside
        down or flipped left/right?

        Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 18:47:32 -0400
        From: jeffrey.s.phill...@gmail.com
        To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
        Subject: [Freesurfer] Can fieldsigns be added across sessions?

        Hi all,

        I would like to add fieldsigns across multiple retinotopy
        sessions in the same subject, in order to get a metric of the
        reliability of the mapping.  However, when I tried to do this
        in one subject, I found that fieldsigns from two sessions
        largely canceled one another out.  This led to a discussion in
        our lab of whether the fieldsign 1) has a consistent meaning
        across sessions and subjects, or 2) whether the fieldsign in a
        given region, say V1, may switch from positive to negative due
        to noise or between-subject differences.  For example, a
        colleague speculated that paint-sess could start with +1 at an
        arbitrary starting point on the edge of an occipital patch,
        then flip the sign whenever the polar angle/eccentricity
        gradients reversed themselves.  Thus, V5 might be +1, V4 = -1,
        V3 = +1, V2 = -1, and V1 would be +1.  However, if noise in a
        given session resulted in a failure to detect V4, then V1
        would end up being the opposite fieldsign, -1.  Is this
        correct?  If so, then I might be shooting myself in the foot
        by adding fieldsign maps from different sessions.  I would
        really appreciate any insight about how the fieldsign is
        assigned, and whether circumstances like the ones I describe
        could cause it to flip for a given functional region.


        Jeff Phillips

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