Hi Guang,

to register two volumes of the same person (6 degree of freedom:
translation, rotation) you can use 
mri_robust_register --mov 002.mgz --dst 001.mgz --lta 2to1.lta --warp

This will register 002.mgz to 001.mgz output the transform 2to1.lta and
the source mapped to the target as 2to1.mgz. Note that 2to1.mgz is
interpolated so will be more blurry than the originals 001.mgz or

I would recommend to additionally use the --iscale flag. This will allow
intensity scaling (as a 7th parameter). It is useful if the images are
not normalized and leads to better registrations.
More Infos here:

I do not understand, what you mean with "using brainmask.mgz as
reference volume"? Of course it is always better to register only brain
instead of full head images, however for 002.mgz you only have the full
head image. If you want to use the brainmask, do this:
1. register 002 to 001 as described above (using full head)
2. do a more accurate registration by masking each volume with the
brainmask (you need to check if 002 looks ok after masking). 
For the second registration you can input the 2to1.lta as initial
transform with --transform 2to1.lta

Also, I don't know your setup or goal, but if you are trying to do a
longitudinal study with two timepoints, have a look at the Freesurfer
longitudinal stream

Hope that help,

Cheers, Martin

On Thu, 2009-08-20 at 10:08 -0500, Guang Zeng wrote:
> Hi, there,
> Sorry, I asked the same question yesterday, but I think I didn't
> explain it clear.
> I have the two scans (001.mgz and 002.mgz) of the same subject,
> 001.mgz is used as the input of recon-all .... -autorecon1,  and I
> only run -autorecon1. 
> now I have a brainmask.mgz using 001.mgz, I want to register 002.mgz
> using brainmask.mgz as reference volume.
> Dr. Greve mentioned that I can use bbregister, but I got a problem
> now, becuase I only run autorecon1, I do not have lh.white which will
> be acquired after autorecon2. 
> The bbregister command stopped in the middel.
> My command line is 
> bbregister --s data_2 --mov 002.mgz --init-fsl --t1 --reg brainreg.dat
> --o brainmaskReg.mgz
> I got a error as,
> Loading mov
> Loading lh.white surf
> No such file or directory
> Is there an option that I do not use lh.white, just use the
> information I got after autorecon1 to do the registration, or I need
> use other commands?
> Thanks a lot!
> Guang
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