Dear Freesurfer users and experts,
This is my second attempt :(
I am trying to construct a roi based on some talairach coordinate coming from a 
paper, but I completely fail to do it with matlab and neither manually with 
My first try was to use the transformation Talairach.xfm with matlab, inverse 
it and try to recover RAS coordinate, it gives me completely wrong values.
Second try was to introduce the Tal coordinate directly in Tksurfer, which is 
not possible I think (correct me if I am wrong), with the version I have the is 
a bug in tkmedit I guess when introducing Talairach coord (the ideas was to 
save them and to load the vertex in tksurfer).. the values changes in the edit 
Is there another way??
Is it possible with script? Or how to do this by matlab?
Please don't ignore the request.
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