Hi Katie

you can view data on a tal brain by mapping the data using the talairach.xfm transform. Since you can also use the inverse of the transform you can map both ways. I think there is a tcl command in tksurfer for finding the vertex that is closest to a given tal coord. Try:

select_talairach_point <xtal> <ytal> <ztal>


On Tue, 4 Sep 2012, Katie Bettencourt wrote:

Hrm.  Ok, is there any way to view data for a subject in Freesurfer on a
talairach transformed brain? What I would be hoping to do is bring up the
data in native subject space, make any ROI label, then also bring the data
up on a talairach transformed brain, make a ROI label, then put both labels
on the same brain (either native or talairach transformed) and see if they
are any different.
Also, is there a way to input a particular talairach vertex and jump to that
in freesurfer, instead of just moving the mouse around and hoping to find
the right spot?


On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
      Hi Katie

      I don't think anyone here knows how to do this as we don't use
      it. Perhaps the Brain Voyager people do?

      On Tue, 4 Sep 2012, Katie Bettencourt wrote:

                  So our lab is running a couple analyses and we
            are getting different results based on whether we
            use Brain Voyager or
                  Freesurfer that we think is due to different
            ROI selection across the two platforms.  Is there
            anyway to load a
                  BrainVoyager ROI into freesurfer?  The BV data
            has been talairach transformed, does that matter?
             Less optimal would
                  be loading a freesurfer ROI into BV, but if
            that's easier, we could try that way too.
            Any help would be appreciated.


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