... Strange, then I would just quickly look at the following things (in a new 
terminal, so that you are sure that everything is cleanly set): 

1) whether the $PATH is indeed correctly set without typo. Either by verifying 
the $PATH variable (type $PATH in your shell, you should see your full path to 
matlab). Or by just prompting the command matlab in your shell, which should 
open a matlab session.

2) I would source the freesurfer environment variables again (set the 
FREESURFER_HOME variable and then source SetUpFreeSurfer.csh), and check 
whether getmatlab give you the location of your matlab command (something like 

Given that I am not a centOS specialist, if this doesn't work, we should maybe 
ask someone else, like e.g. Nick if he has a better idea.

Let me know,


On Oct 16, 2012, at 6:54 PM, Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla wrote:

> Marie,
> I'm working on centOS 4, I'd add the path to the matlab installation folder 
> on my PATH as:
> setenv MATLABPATH /root/trabajo/matlab2009
> setenv PATH ${MATLABPATH}/bin:${PATH}
> And this is not working still
> Any ideas?
> Gabriel
> El 16/10/12, Marie Schaer <marie.sch...@unige.ch> escribió:
>> Gabriel,
>> I would start by adding the path to the matlab installation directory to 
>> $PATH. On a Mac it looks like /Applications/Matlab_R*/bin. Then the 
>> getmatlab command should work, and LGI as well.
>> Marie
>> On 16 oct. 2012, at 16:39, Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla <ggon...@upo.es 
>> <ggon...@upo.es>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Marie,
>>> You are right is pointing to the FSmatlab directory not to the installation 
>>> folder, but the  wiki say so:
>>> "You will also need $FREESURFER_HOME/matlab in your matlab path set up in 
>>> your ~/matlab/starup.m script. "
>>> Do I need to change that in the startup.m?
>>> I did also try the getmatlab command and said that matlab does not exist, 
>>> I'm guessing this is the problem.
>>> Bests,
>>> Gabriel
>>> El 16/10/12, Marie Schaer <marie.sch...@unige.ch <marie.sch...@unige.ch>> 
>>> escribió:
>>>> Gabriel,
>>>> If I am correct, your path (fsmatlab) is pointing to the matlab folder of 
>>>> freesurfer distribution (I.e. Including the matlab scripts) whereas it 
>>>> should point to the matlab installation directory.
>>>> You can check using the command getmatlab.
>>>> Let me know,
>>>> Marie
>>>> On 16 oct. 2012, at 16:02, Gabriel Gonzalez Escamilla <ggon...@upo.es 
>>>> <ggon...@upo.es>> wrote:
>>>> > Dear FS experts 
>>>> > 
>>>> > I'm trying to run the "recon-all -s subjid -localGI" in both terminal 
>>>> > and matlab, and neither of them is working.
>>>> > I'm using currently version of FS and matlab R2009b.
>>>> > 
>>>> > the following error alwais apair:
>>>> > 
>>>> > INFO: FreeSurfer build stamps do not match
>>>> > Subject Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.2.0
>>>> > Current Stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v5.1.0
>>>> > INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is /root/trabajo/freesurfer/subjects
>>>> > Actual FREESURFER_HOME /root/trabajo/freesurfer
>>>> > -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 6867734 Oct 16 15:23 
>>>> > /root/trabajo/freesurfer/subjects/c_Macarena/scripts/recon-all.log
>>>> > Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Mar 9 06:23:23 GMT 
>>>> > 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>> > /root/trabajo/freesurfer/subjects/c_Macarena/surf
>>>> > #--------------------------------------------
>>>> > #@# Local Gyrification Index lh Tue Oct 16 15:24:31 CEST 2012
>>>> > 
>>>> >  mris_compute_lgi --i lh.pial
>>>> > 
>>>> > ERROR: Matlab is required to run mris_compute_lgi!
>>>> > Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-34.ELsmp #1 SMP Thu Mar 9 06:23:23 GMT 
>>>> > 2006 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>>>> > 
>>>> > recon-all -s c_Macarena exited with ERRORS at Tue Oct 16 15:24:31 CEST 
>>>> > 2012
>>>> > 
>>>> > 
>>>> > 
>>>> > 
>>>> > Matlab exist on the  startup.m file as:
>>>> > 
>>>> > %------------ FreeSurfer -----------------------------%
>>>> > fshome = getenv('FREESURFER_HOME');
>>>> > fsmatlab = sprintf('%s/root/trabajo/freesurfer/matlab',fshome);
>>>> > path(path,fsmatlab);
>>>> > clear fshome fsmatlab;
>>>> > %-----------------------------------------------------%
>>>> > 
>>>> > 
>>>> > Can anyone help me on this?
>>>> > 
>>>> > Best Regards,
>>>> > Gabriel
>>>> > 
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>>>> Freesurfer mailing list
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>>>> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
>>> -- 
>>> --------------------------
>>> PhD. student Gabriel González-Escamilla
>>> Laboratory of Functional Neuroscience
>>> Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and Cell Biology
>>> University Pablo de Olavide
>>> Ctra. de Utrera, Km.1
>>> 41013 - Seville
>>> - Spain -
>>> Email: <ggon...@upo.es>ggon...@upo.es <ggon...@upo.es>
>>> http://www.upo.es/neuroaging/es/
> -- 
> --------------------------
> PhD. student Gabriel González-Escamilla
> Laboratory of Functional Neuroscience
> Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and Cell Biology
> University Pablo de Olavide
> Ctra. de Utrera, Km.1
> 41013 - Seville
> - Spain -
> Email: ggon...@upo.es
> http://www.upo.es/neuroaging/es/ 
> _______________________________________________
> Freesurfer mailing list
> Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
> The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
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