Dear freesurfers,

I am doing retinotopy analysis using freesurfer 5 with .
I have four runs, two eccen and two polar.  For each run I have 15 seconds 
fixation, 300 seconds stimuli and 15s fixation at the end (total 330s and 300s 
for stimuli).

1) For -retinotopy option in mkanalysis-sess I typed "300". Do you think this 
setting is fine?

2) After finishing running, I use tksurfer-sess to display the result. When I 
typed "tksurfer-sess -s SUBJ01 -analysis rtopy.self.lh  -map angle"  with "-c 
polar" or "-c eccen'" I got two maps with -4.0 to 4.0 color range. I learn from 
mail list, the two maps do not represent time course of retinotopy, right? So 
what are these two maps tell us?

3) I tried rtview cmd and the maps look strange. Color scale is from -1.185 to 
-0.4 and 0.4 to 1.185 and it does not include all the colors in display.

4) I tried to use -run-wise in selxavg3-sess, it fails with: 

Error using svd

Input to SVD must not contain NaN or Inf."

Could you please give me some idea? Thank you very much in advance.

Wei Zhou
Medical Physics Ph.D. Student
Freesurfer mailing list

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