Hi Dough,

This might be a very basic question:
I would like to compare the results of an analysis with the perrun and
persession motion correction. Here is my analysis line:

*mkanalysis-sess \*

*  -analysis Cat_all_new -fsd bold -runlistfile runlist_all.txt \*

*  -native -mcextreg -stc siemens -fwhm 0 \*

*  -event-related  -paradigm para_cat.par -nconditions 5 \*

*  -spmhrf 0 -TR 2 -refeventdur 4 -polyfit 2*
And here is what I have in my analysis info

analysis Cat_1
mcstem fmc
fsd bold
runlistfile run_1.txt
TR 2
RegDOF 6
RawSpace volume native
mask brain
RawSTC siemens
UseB0DC 0
inorm 100
acfbins 30
fixacf  1
acffwhm 20
acfsvd  0
designtype event-related
nskip 0
polyfit 2
HPFCutoffHz 0
HeteroGCor 0
nconditions 5
parname para_cat.par
RefEventDur 3
timewindow 40.000000
prestim 0
TER 0.050000
spmhrf 0
stimulusdelay -1.00000000000000000000
Condition 1 Condition01
Condition 2 Condition02
Condition 3 Condition03
Condition 4 Condition04
Condition 5 Condition05
nuisreg mcextreg 3

I preprocessed my data once using the perrun option and once using the
persession option in two different directories and ran the analysis on both
of those data sets. The problem is when the analysis finished the results
where practically identical. I am not sure what is going on and can't
figure out if the analysis in both cases is done based on the persession
motion correction or they are both done based on the perrun motion
correction and how I can get the analysis to run in two different ways. I
am using freesurfer 5.1.

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