Thanks very much for your response, Bruce.  We already collect T2 in our
scanner -- not sure about FLAIR.  Is there a way for them to work
analogously with the mri_make_surfaces command (as outlined here)?:

FreeSurfer command to correct dura:
    mris_make_surfaces    –dura filename_%d.mgz
                -sdir ${SUBJECTS_DIR}
                -output _dura_1and${lastecho}
                $({target} ${hemi}
where filename_%d.mgz refers to the four separated echoes of the MEMPRAGE
and lastecho = 4
    lh.pial_dura_1and4, rh.pial_dura_1and4,
    lh.white_dura_1and4, rh.white_dura_1and4

Thanks again for your help!

On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Bruce Fischl <>wrote:

> Hi Katie
> I'm really not sure. These days I would recommend a highres (e.g. 1mm
> isotropic) FLAIR if you can get one, or T2 if not. The T2* can help, but
> it's pretty noisy in brain.
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Tue, 7 May 2013, Katie Surrence wrote:
>  Dear Freesurfer gurus,
>> At the course, André van der Kouwe mentioned in his morphometry methods
>> talk that T2* weighted contrast from
>> MEMPRAGE could be used to further seperate dura from cortex, as also
>> discussed in this paper:
>> We have a GE scanner in our lab.  The internet suggests
>> that a Multi-echo FSPGR/FGRE exists.  Would this be the analog?  Would it
>> work the same way?  Could you also
>> use these images with the mris_make_surfaces command?
>> Thanks very much for your insight -- and I enjoyed the course!
>> /Katie Surrence
>> --
>> Research Coordinator
>> Social Cognition Laboratory
>> New York State Psychiatric Institute
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