Thank you Doug,

I think I initially misinderstood a number of things about this process. I
have a 3D GRE volume (I guessed its contrast is closest to BOLD, bbregister
set to T1 or T2 seemed to work more poorly). It is not a 2D. I would like
to transform the 3D GRE volume into freesurfer space, so mri_segstats can
use the segmentations from aparc+aseg.mgz to give back mean intensity
values for each anatomic area.  I could not find a file called lowb.nii,
and so was not sure how to proceed.

1) do I need to use the file you mentioned (lowb.nii) - and if so, where
would I find the file?

2) so running "mri_vol2vol --mov Vol_906.nii --fstarg T1.mgz --o
Vol_906_Reg_Bold.nii --no-save-reg --reg register_bold.dat" (note inv left
off) should map the 3D volume (Vol_906.nii) into the T1 space?

Thank you for all of your help.

Best wishes,


On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 7:23 PM, Douglas Greve <>wrote:

> On 5/26/13 2:11 PM, Salil Soman wrote:
>    Dear Doug,
> Thank you for your email. Following up on our previous discussions:
>  1) *bbregister fail *- this was happening because of error from
> fslregister. The variable fsvol was translating to "ERROR". In fslregister
> th value for fsvol is set to brainmask, along with numerous other
> parameters being initialized.
> By adding the line "set fsvol = brain mask" (without quotes) at the
> beginning of the section "#Convert reference to analyze" the CentOS 6
> version I am running on ubuntu 12.04 (with SGE), now works.
> see previous msg.
>  2) when you suggested I run bbregister on the lowb.nii file, was it
> because I had suggested I wanted to register to a 2D ADC map? If I want to
> instead use a 3D volume (e.g. a 3D ASL), would I use the actual volume I
> want to get value from instead of lowb.nii?  I ended up running
> Oh, I did not realize it was a 2D map. Why do you have a 2D map instead of
> 3D? That might be hard to get registered. You could have used the ADC or
> FA. In general, you don't want to use the contrast that you will later be
> testing as it creates a little bit of circularity. It is not much though,
> and it should be fine.
>  3) for the mri_vol2vol step - I had to change targ to fstarg, and I left
> out the interp flag so it would do its default trilinear:  mri_vol2vol
> --mov Vol_906.nii --fstarg T1.mgz --o Vol_906_Reg_Bold.nii --no-save-reg
> --reg register_bold.dat --inv
> that maps T1 into the bold space. Is that what you want? If you want to
> map the bold into the anatomical space, then leave off -inv. This will also
> solve your problem below
> doug
>  4) I would like to get the segmentations from aparc+aseg.mgz as the areas
> where I get the values summed. So I entered mri_segstats --seg
> mri/aparc+aseg.mgz --ctab $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i
> Vol_906_Reg_Bold.nii --sum Vol_aparc_aseg.stats
>  but then I received this error:
>  ERROR: dimension mismatch between input volume and seg
>   input 224 224 170
>   seg   256 256 256
> *
> *
>  *So, in summary, while I've fixed bbregister to work on my system, I am
> still having trouble normalizing my 3D non T1 volume data into the FS space
> to be able to use the labels from aparc+aseg.mgz to get statistics for each
> anatomic area.*
> Any ideas on how to proceed?
> Thanks,
> Sal
> On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 11:51 AM, Douglas Greve <
> > wrote:
>> On 5/25/13 1:39 PM, Salil Soman wrote:
>>   Thank you Doug.
>>  Just so I am clear - is the anatomical the nifti T1.mgz or is it a
>> different file. From your email I gather should do the following:
>> *1)  Use bbregister to register the lowb image to the anatomical. This
>> creates a registration matrix.*
>>  bbregister -s SUBJECTNAME --mov lowb.nii --initfsl --reg register.dat
>>  That is right, but add --t2 (since it is t2 weighted).
>> *2) Use mri_vol2vol and the registration to map the ADC map to the
>> anatomical*
>> mri_vol2vol --mov lowb.nii --targ $vol --inv --interp nearest --o $vol2diff 
>> --reg $outdir/register.dat --no-save-reg
>>    Use the ADC as the moveable (not lowb, but use the lowb for
>> bbregister). The target volume should be the T1.mgz (or any conformed
>> volume). The output will be the adc in the anatomical space (not sure why
>> you call it vol2diff).
>>   *3) use mri_segstats to extract the values*
>> *mri_segstats* --seg $SUBJECTS_DIR/SUBJECTNAME/mri/wmparc.mgz --ctab 
>> $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt --i lowb.nii --sum fa.stats
>>    The input would be the adc volume mapped the anatomical space. I
>> would use WMParcStatsLUT.txt or else you'll get a billion different areas
>> not represented in wmparc. You may also want to add "--seg-erode 1" to
>> erode the segmentations by a voxel. This helps to prevent partial voluming.
>> doug
>>   Where lowb.nii is the other MRI tissue sequence I am analyzing (e.g.
>> ADC), $vol2diff is the output image of the registration, and fa.stats will
>> be my output stats table?
>>  I suspect there is part of the syntax for these tools I do not
>> understand. Also, what input would $vol be?
>>  Best wishes,
>> Sal
>> On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 10:06 AM, Douglas Greve <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Sal, yes you can. Use bbregister to register the lowb image to the
>>> anatomical. This creates a registration matrix. Use mri_vol2vol and the
>>> registration to map the ADC map to the anatomical, then use mri_segstats to
>>> extract the values
>>> doug
>>> ps. Please post questions to the FS list instead of us directly so that
>>> others can benefit and it gets archived. thanks!
>>> On 5/25/13 1:03 PM, Salil Soman wrote:
>>>> Dear Dr. Greve,
>>>> Is it possible to register a nonstructural MR sequences (e.g. an ADC
>>>> map) with the aseg.mgz file (or aparc+aseg.mgz file, etc) and then, using
>>>> the segmentation from the aseg (or aparc+aseg) file to output a mean ADC
>>>> value for each anatomic area segmented?
>>>> Thank you for your time and consideration.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Sal
>>>> Salil Soman, MD, MS
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