Dear Freesurfer experts,

   I would like to get your help.  I extracted cortical thickness values
from each vertex from each of my individual subjects (example:
I then ran a covariance analysis over the whole group and identified
"modules" or groups of vertices that covary together.  The modules are
given the names of colors.  I end up with a module (color) assigned to each
vertex.  I now want to visualize this data (so I can if these module
reflect specific neuroanatomical structures), but I'm not sure about how to
do this.  Does anyone know how to do this?  I tried to make a new color
table, with my different module colors as the structures.  I don't know how
to then incorporate this information so that I can view it.  I've read the
tutorials on the label and annotation files, but I have only become more
confused.  If anyone can help me with this problem, I'd be very greatful!

Thank you,


Maria Jalbrzikowski, Ph.D.
Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences
University of California, Los Angeles
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