Dear Sebastian, 

Attached is the *.orig for both recon (green being
the one with wm error and red being the one with error). Unfortunately
they are not identical; a section of the dura is misclassified as wm in
the red delineation. As mentionned before, both orig.mgz are numerically
identical in that area. As I also mentionned before, the recon were ran
on the same machine, same os, same binaries. 

You expressed some
confusion as to what were trying to achieve. We want to figure out why,
given numerically almost identical inputs, Freesurfer correctly
delineates wm in one case but fails in the other. Unfortunately this
type of error appears to be systematic in some of our data. 


On 26.08.2014 16:22, Sebastian Moeller wrote: 

> Hi Vincent hi
> please show us the *.orig surfaces on the critical slice. I
predict that these will be identical, If so you can ignore everything
except brain.finalsurfs.mgz. Are the two versions of this file identical
around the area of mis-classified tissue? I predict that there will be a
slight difference. Also if you take Vincent's brain.finalsurf.mgz and
put this into Melanie's recon and redo the generation of the wm surfaces
I predict that now Melinie's version will show the same problem. 
On Aug 26, 2014, at 16:08 , Melanie Ganz < [3]>
>> Hi Sebastian,
>> I'm afraid that the problem is
slightly more complicated. The inputs to recon-all are almost
numerically identical (to the 4th decimal); when converted to orig.mgz,
all voxels which are not identical (about only 700 of all the 1677216
voxels) vary only by 1 due to rounding. Their distribution is sparse and
do not overlap with the white matter errors. Can such a small source of
variation give this kind of difference? Ok, Freesurfer uses some random
initialization, however as far as I know the seed is not random and set
to 1234. We have looked at all the outputs created before wm.mgz
(orig,nu,T1,brainmask,norm,nu_noneck,aseg,brain,wm,filled) and the only
one showing a differences overlapping the wm errors is filled.mgz;
I think the filled.mgz is changed during the generation of the wm
surfaces (at least temporarily)... 
>> in all the other images the
differences are minor.
> Are you running the analyses on exactly the
same machine and get different results or are you using two "identical"
computers? I ask as I think there is a paper about the reproducibility
of freesurfer reconstructions
[4]) with different freesurfer versions or different hardware/operating
systems that might explain a bit of systematic variance. 
> But I guess
I still do not exactly understand what the problem is that you want to
solve here …. 
> Best Regards 
> Sebastian 
> Thanks.
> Vincent.

> P.S.: I keep sen
>> stian Moeller wrote:
>>> Hi Melanie,

>>> I guess your post got me confused then, since you did not really
explain what your figure shows. With the information from this post I
assume that red and yellow are wm and pia respectively from and recon
and blue and green are from the second.
>>> On Aug 26, 2014, at
15:16 , Melanie Ganz < [1]> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> it is clear to us how to fix this, this is not the
issue here.
>>>> The issue is that my colleague and I ran the same
image, he used the original dicom as source and I a nifti version
prepared for other processing,
>>> Plain conversion of dicim to
nifty or further processing?
>> -- 
>> Melanie Ganz, MSc, Ph.D. 
Neurobiology Research Unit 
>> University of Copenhagen 
>> Rockefeller Center 
>> Juliane Maries Vej 28/30, 3.

>> DK-2100 Copenhagen 
>> Denmark 
>> phone: +45 3545 6718 
>> e-mail: [2] 
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