Hi Anastasia,
Thank you very much for your help and recommendations. I will try to fix
These Problems. I would like to ask you one more question. Is there any
command which could help me to invert the gradient vectors for my DWI
scan in the z direction?

2015-08-24 17:57 GMT+02:00 Anastasia Yendiki <ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:

> Hi Bahram - I looked at your subject's files. First, the freesurfer recon
> failed in the right hemisphere, probably because of a visible artifact on
> your T1 (see aseg screenshot). This affects the aparc+aseg, so you can't
> run tracula before you fix it.
> Second, the gradient vectors for your DWI scan probably need to be
> inverted in the z direction (see other screenshot with the principal
> eigenvectors of the tensors shown over the FA map). The vectors are
> oriented correctly in the axial view, but not in the sagittal or coronal
> view (see for example their orientation in the cingulum bundle in saggital
> view, where the cross-hair is centered, or in the corticospinal tract in
> coronal view). This is not causing your error, but you have to fix it for
> the tractography to work properly.
> Third, your DWI data has very anisotropic resolution (1.8 x 1.8 x 6.5 mm).
> Your voxels are almost 4 times as big in z than in x/y. This is not causing
> your error, but it is not optimal for diffusion analysis. Anisotropic
> voxels can bias estimates of diffusion anisotropy. Also, you only have 12
> directions with b=1000 and the other directions were acquired with a much
> lower b-value (b=200). It's unlikely that you'll get reliable fits of
> crossing-fiber models like the one used by tracula on this data. Again,
> this is not causing the error you're seeing but it will make it difficult
> to get usable results from this DWI data.
> Best,
> a.y
> On Thu, 20 Aug 2015, B M wrote:
> Hi Anastasia,
>> please find the files in attachment.
>> Best regards
>> Bahram
>> 2015-08-19 21:55 GMT+02:00 Anastasia Yendiki <
>> ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>>       Hi Bahram - There are some errors in there related to registration
>> files. Can you please send these files?
>> bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula//P01-a/dmri/xfms/anat2diff.bbr.mat
>>       bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula//P01-a/dmri/xfms/anat2mni.mat
>>       Thanks,
>>       a.y
>>       On Tue, 18 Aug 2015, B M wrote:
>>             Hi Anastasia,
>>             Please find attached the trac-all.log file. Thank you very
>> much for your help.
>>             Bahram
>>             2015-08-17 19:31 GMT+02:00 Anastasia Yendiki <
>> ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>>                   Hi Bahram - Can you please send us your entire
>> trac-all.log file? Thanks!
>>                   a.y
>>                   On Fri, 14 Aug 2015, B M wrote:
>>                         Dear experts,
>>                         I have the last version of tTrakula. i did the
>> first step with
>>                           trac-all -prep -c
>> bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula/dmrirc
>>                         This worked properly to the end as shown below:
>>                         trac-preproc finished without error at Fri Aug 14
>> 17:31:29 CEST 2015
>>                         However looking at logfile i found following
>> errors:
>>                         flirt -in
>> bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula//P01-a/dlabel/anat/aparc+aseg_mask.nii.gz
>>             -ref
>> bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula//P01-a/dmri/lowb.nii.gz -out
>> bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula//P01-a/dlabel/diff/aparc+aseg_mask.bbr.nii.gz
>>             -applyxfm -init
>> bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula//P01-a/dmri/xfms/anat2diff.bbr.mat
>> -interp
>>             nearestneighbour
>>                         terminate called after throwing an instance of
>> 'NEWMAT::SingularException'
>>                         Abort (core dumped)
>>                         OR
>>                         Loading brain mask of output subject from
>> /home/bm/bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula/P01-a/dlabel/mni/lowb_brain_mask.bbr.nii.gz
>>                         niiRead(): error opening file
>> /home/bm/bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula/P01-a/dlabel/mni/lowb_brain_mask.bbr.nii.gz
>>                         ERROR: Could not read
>> /home/bm/bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula/P01-a/dlabel/mni/lowb_brain_mask.bbr.nii.gz
>>                         AND as i tried the next step i got the following
>> error:
>>                         bm@bm-linux:~$ trac-all -bedp -c
>> bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula/dmrirc
>>                         INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is
>> bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula/
>>                         INFO: Diffusion root is
>> bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula/
>>                         Actual FREESURFER_HOME /usr/local/freesurfer
>>                         WARN: Running FSL's bedbost locally - this might
>> take a while
>>                         WARN: It is recommended to run this step on a
>> cluster
>>                         bedpostx_mgh -n 2
>> bmdaten/Auswertung/ALS-Review/Trakula//P01-a/dmri
>>                         /usr/local/freesurfer/bin/bedpostx_mgh: 131:
>> /usr/local/freesurfer/bin/bedpostx_mgh: Syntax
>>             error: "("
>>                         unexpected
>>                         Could you please advise me what to do?
>>                         Best
>>                         Bahram
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