Hi Bahram - The gradient table is a text file with 3 columns. You need to multiply the 3rd column by -1. You can do this in matlab, awk, perl, or any scripting language that handles text files.


On Wed, 26 Aug 2015, B M wrote:

Hi Anastasia,
Thank you very much for your help and recommendations. I will try to fix
These Problems. I would like to ask you one more question. Is there any
command which could help me to invert the gradient vectors for my DWI
scan in the z direction?

2015-08-24 17:57 GMT+02:00 Anastasia Yendiki <ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:

      Hi Bahram - I looked at your subject's files. First, the
      freesurfer recon failed in the right hemisphere, probably
      because of a visible artifact on your T1 (see aseg screenshot).
      This affects the aparc+aseg, so you can't run tracula before you
      fix it.

      Second, the gradient vectors for your DWI scan probably need to
      be inverted in the z direction (see other screenshot with the
      principal eigenvectors of the tensors shown over the FA map).
      The vectors are oriented correctly in the axial view, but not in
      the sagittal or coronal view (see for example their orientation
      in the cingulum bundle in saggital view, where the cross-hair is
      centered, or in the corticospinal tract in coronal view). This
      is not causing your error, but you have to fix it for the
      tractography to work properly.

      Third, your DWI data has very anisotropic resolution (1.8 x 1.8
      x 6.5 mm). Your voxels are almost 4 times as big in z than in
      x/y. This is not causing your error, but it is not optimal for
      diffusion analysis. Anisotropic voxels can bias estimates of
      diffusion anisotropy. Also, you only have 12 directions with
      b=1000 and the other directions were acquired with a much lower
      b-value (b=200). It's unlikely that you'll get reliable fits of
      crossing-fiber models like the one used by tracula on this data.
      Again, this is not causing the error you're seeing but it will
      make it difficult to get usable results from this DWI data.


      On Thu, 20 Aug 2015, B M wrote:

            Hi Anastasia,
            please find the files in attachment.
            Best regards


            2015-08-19 21:55 GMT+02:00 Anastasia Yendiki

                  Hi Bahram - There are some errors in there
            related to registration files. Can you please send
            these files?



                  On Tue, 18 Aug 2015, B M wrote:

                        Hi Anastasia,
                        Please find attached the trac-all.log
            file. Thank you very much for your help.

                        2015-08-17 19:31 GMT+02:00 Anastasia
            Yendiki <ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:

                              Hi Bahram - Can you please send us
            your entire trac-all.log file? Thanks!


                              On Fri, 14 Aug 2015, B M wrote:

                                    Dear experts,
                                    I have the last version of
            tTrakula. i did the first step with
                                      trac-all -prep -c
                                    This worked properly to the
            end as shown below:
                                    trac-preproc finished
            without error at Fri Aug 14 17:31:29 CEST 2015

                                    However looking at logfile i
            found following errors:
                        -applyxfm -init
                                    terminate called after
            throwing an instance of 'NEWMAT::SingularException'
                                    Abort (core dumped)


                                    Loading brain mask of output
            subject from
                                    niiRead(): error opening
                                    ERROR: Could not read

                                    AND as i tried the next step
            i got the following error:

                                    bm@bm-linux:~$ trac-all
            -bedp -c
                                    INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is
                                    INFO: Diffusion root is
                                    Actual FREESURFER_HOME
                                    WARN: Running FSL's bedbost
            locally - this might take a while
                                    WARN: It is recommended to
            run this step on a cluster
                                    bedpostx_mgh -n 2
            /usr/local/freesurfer/bin/bedpostx_mgh: 131:
            /usr/local/freesurfer/bin/bedpostx_mgh: Syntax
                        error: "("

                                    Could you please advise me
            what to do?


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