This directory already exists. I had already made it, which is why I am
confused that it cannot be found.

On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 10:43 AM, Bruce Fischl <>

> Hi Jasmin
> oh, I take it back. It looks like the SUBJECTS_DIR you pointed it at
> didn't exist. Create it first with
> mkdir /Desktop/Brain_Child_subs
> then try rerunning.
> Bruce
> On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Jasmin Alves wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
>>  Could you elaborate on what you mean I need to specify the input volume?
>> Thanks,
>> Jasmin
>> On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 5:48 AM, Bruce Fischl <
>> >
>> wrote:
>>       Hi Jasmin
>>       if this is the first time you have run this subject (that is,
>>       the subject dir doesn't exist within $SUBJECTS_DIR), you still
>>       need to specify the input volume with -i  T1_original_joya.nii
>>       cheers
>>       Bruce
>>       On Tue, 26 Jan 2016, Jasmin Alves wrote:
>>             Bruce,
>>             Sorry to be a pain, but for some reason, I cannot
>>             still get recon-all to
>>             work.
>>             Jasmins-MacBook-Pro:Brain_Child_subs jasminalves$
>>             recon-all -sd
>>             /Desktop/Brain_Child_subs -i T1_original_joya.nii
>>             -subject joya -all &
>>             [1] 14655
>>             Jasmins-MacBook-Pro:Brain_Child_subs jasminalves$
>>             ERROR: SUBJECTS_DIR
>>             /Desktop/Brain_Child_subs does not exist.
>>             Thanks,
>>             Jasmin
>>             On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 6:19 AM, Bruce Fischl
>>             <>
>>             wrote:
>>                   Hi Jasmin
>>                   you need a '-' sign first. It should be:
>>                   recon-all -sd /Desktop/Brain_Child_subs -i
>>             T1_original_joya.nii
>>                   -subject \
>>                   joya -all &
>>                   cheers
>>                   Bruce
>>                   On Mon, 25 Jan 2016, Jasmin Alves wrote:
>>                         Hi Bruce,
>>                         Thanks for the reply, I attempted to
>>             direct
>>                         Subjects_dir to the folder with
>>                         my data but I received the following
>>             error.
>>                         Jasmins-MacBook-Pro:Brain_Child_subs
>>             jasminalves$
>>                         export
>>                         SUBJECTS_DIR=/Desktop/Brain_Child_subs
>>                         Jasmins-MacBook-Pro:Brain_Child_subs
>>             jasminalves$
>>                         recon-all -sd
>>                         /Desktop/Brain_Child_subs -i
>>             T1_original_joya.nii
>>                         -subject joya all &
>>                         [1] 13867
>>                         Jasmins-MacBook-Pro:Brain_Child_subs
>>             jasminalves$
>>                         ERROR: Flag all
>>                         unrecognized.
>>                         -sd /Desktop/Brain_Child_subs -i
>>                         T1_original_joya.nii -subject joya all
>>                         Darwin Jasmins-MacBook-Pro.local 14.5.0
>>             Darwin
>>                         Kernel Version 14.5.0: Tue
>>                         Sep  1 21:23:09 PDT 2015;
>>                         root:xnu-2782.50.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64
>>             x86_64
>>                         recon-all -s joya exited with ERRORS at
>>             Mon Jan 25
>>                         21:12:58 PST 2016
>>                         Thanks so much,
>>                         Jasmin
>>                         On Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 6:33 AM, Bruce
>>             Fischl
>>                         <>
>>                         wrote:
>>                               Hi Jasmin
>>                               you  need to create a directory
>>             where you have
>>                         write permission
>>                               and room for the subject
>>             reconstruction to be
>>                         written to, then
>>                               set the SUBJECTS_DIR environment
>>             variable to
>>                         point to it. At the
>>                               moment you are trying to use the
>>             subject
>>                         directory we
>>                               distribute, which is in some
>>             system (and
>>                         read-only) location.
>>                               You can do this on the command
>>             line of
>>                         recon-all via:
>>                               recon-all -sd <path to directory>
>>             ...
>>                               cheers
>>                               Bruce
>>                               On Sun, 24 Jan 2016, Jasmin Alves
>>             wrote:
>>                               Hello Freesurfer,
>>                               I am trying to learn freesurfer
>>             and ran into
>>                         the following
>>                               issues below
>>                               running the recon -all command.
>>                               FREESURFER_HOME:
>>             /Applications/freesurfer
>>                               Build stamp:
>>                         freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0
>>                               Kernel info: Darwin 14.5.0 x86_64
>>                                 1)
>>                               joya
>>                                2)
>>                                Jasmins-MacBook-Pro:subjects
>>             jasminalves$
>>                         recon-all -i
>>                               T1_original_joya.nii
>>                               -subject joya -all &
>>                               3)
>>                               [1] 12300
>>                               Jasmins-MacBook-Pro:subjects
>>             jasminalves$
>>                         mkdir:
>>             /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/joya:
>>                         Permission denied
>>                               mkdir:
>>             /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/joya/scripts:
>>                               Permission denied
>>                               mkdir:
>>             /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/joya/scripts:
>>                               Permission denied
>>                               cp:
>> /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/joya/scripts/build-stamp.txt:
>>                               No such
>>                               file or directory
>>                               cat:
>> /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/joya/scripts/build-stamp.txt:
>>                               No such
>>                               file or directory
>>                               INFO: FreeSurfer build stamps do
>>             not match
>>                               Subject Stamp:
>>                               Current Stamp:
>>                         freesurfer-Darwin-lion-stable-pub-v5.3.0
>>                               INFO: SUBJECTS_DIR is
>>                         /Applications/freesurfer/subjects
>>                               Actual FREESURFER_HOME
>>                         /Applications/freesurfer
>>             /Applications/freesurfer/subjects/joya: No
>>                         such file or
>>                               directory.
>>                               [1]+  Exit 1
>>             recon-all -i
>>                               T1_original_joya.nii -subject
>>                               joya -a
>>                               Thank you,Jasmin
>>                         Jasmin AlvesPredoctoral Student
>>                         Medical Biology Graduate Program
>>                         University of Southern California
>>             _______________________________________________
>>                         Freesurfer mailing list
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>>                         --
>>                         Jasmin AlvesPredoctoral Student
>>                         Medical Biology Graduate Program
>>                         University of Southern California
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>>             --
>>             Jasmin AlvesPredoctoral Student
>>             Medical Biology Graduate Program
>>             University of Southern California
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>> Freesurfer mailing list
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>> --
>> Jasmin AlvesPredoctoral Student
>> Medical Biology Graduate Program
>> University of Southern California
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Jasmin Alves
Predoctoral Student
Medical Biology Graduate Program
University of Southern California
Freesurfer mailing list

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