Thank you! that seemed to have worked. I thought I had tried that before, but 
must not that. The input/output is below. The new label was created. When I 
tried to load the label onto the surface, FreeView crashed the same as it did 
before though which brings me back to my original problem on Freeview crashing 
when I try to put the label on the surface. Do I need to change the label to a 
volume/surface to get this to work?



mri_label2label --srcsubject segfs --srclabel Testing1.label --trgsubject segfs 
--trglabel Testing1N.label --regmethod volume

srclabel = Testing1.label
srcsubject = segfs
trgsubject = segfs
trglabel = Testing1N.label
regmethod = volume

usehash = 1
Use ProjAbs  = 0, 0
Use ProjFrac = 0, 0
DoPaint 0

SUBJECTS_DIR    /mnt/netScratch/crawforda/BrainStem/study11074/S2sdt/
FREESURFER_HOME /tools/freesurfer
Loading source label.
No such file or directory
mri_label2label: could not open label file Testing1.label
No such file or directory
ERROR reading Testing1.label
[crawforda@fmri2 ~]$ mri_label2label --srcsubject segfs --srclabel 
--trgsubject segfs --trglabel Testing1N.label --regmethod volume

srclabel = 
srcsubject = segfs
trgsubject = segfs
trglabel = Testing1N.label
regmethod = volume

usehash = 1
Use ProjAbs  = 0, 0
Use ProjFrac = 0, 0
DoPaint 0

SUBJECTS_DIR    /mnt/netScratch/crawforda/BrainStem/study11074/S2sdt/
FREESURFER_HOME /tools/freesurfer
Loading source label.
Found 216 points in source label.
Starting volumetric mapping 216 points
Src2TrgVolReg: -----------------
 1.000   0.000   0.000   0.000;
 0.000   1.000   0.000  -0.000;
 0.000  -0.000   1.000  -0.000;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
  0  -39.0000 17.0000 55.0000    -39.0000 17.0000 55.0000
  1  -38.0000 17.0000 55.0000    -38.0000 17.0000 55.0000
  2  -40.0000 18.0000 55.0000    -40.0000 18.0000 55.0000
  3  -39.0000 18.0000 55.0000    -39.0000 18.0000 55.0000
  4  -38.0000 18.0000 55.0000    -38.0000 18.0000 55.0000
Writing label file Testing1N.label 216
mri_label2label: Done

[] on behalf of Douglas Greve 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data

Try giving it the full path to the label, ie,


On 9/28/16 3:47 PM, Crawford, Anna wrote:
> Hi,
> Below is the command I entered with the output containing the error. I also 
> tried different variations on the path for the directory, but this is the one 
> I thought it should be.
> Thanks,
> Anna
> mri_label2label --srcsubject segfs --srclabel Testing1.label --trgsubject 
> segfs --trglabel Testing1N.label --regmethod volume
> srclabel = Testing1.label
> srcsubject = segfs
> trgsubject = segfs
> trglabel = Testing1N.label
> regmethod = volume
> usehash = 1
> Use ProjAbs  = 0, 0
> Use ProjFrac = 0, 0
> DoPaint 0
> SUBJECTS_DIR    /mnt/netScratch/crawforda/BrainStem/study11074/S2sdt/
> FREESURFER_HOME /tools/freesurfer
> Loading source label.
> No such file or directory
> mri_label2label: could not open label file Testing1.label
> No such file or directory
> ERROR reading Testing1.label
> ______________________________________
> From: 
> [] on behalf of Bruce Fischl 
> []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2016 3:11 PM
> To: Freesurfer support list
> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
> Hi Anna
> sorry, I've lost track of where this is at. Can you send us the full
> screen output of the command you tried to run and the error it gives?
> thanks
> Bruce
> On
> Tue, 27 Sep 2016, Crawford, Anna wrote:
>> I have tried multiple variations for my subject directory. I have had it end 
>> at study11074, S2sdt, segfs, and label. I suspected it should either be 
>> S2sdt or segfs. I get the same error in all cases still. When using a 
>> differnt function with the subject directory path, I had ended at S2sdt, the 
>> subject was segfs, and then the file I wanted to use. I thought it would be 
>> the same in the case in that regard, but it doesn't seem to be working that 
>> way.
>> Thank you,
>> Anna
>> ________________________________________
>> From: 
>> [] on behalf of dgw 
>> []
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 12:04 PM
>> To: Freesurfer support list
>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
>> I think you SUBJECTS_DIR might be set incorrectly,
>> /mnt/netScratch/crawforda/BrainStem/study11074/S2sdt/segfs/label
>> I suspect the value should be:
>> /mnt/netScratch/crawforda/BrainStem/study11074/S2sdt/
>> or possibly something else:
>> should be the directory with Testing.label
>> hth
>> d
>> On 9/27/16 11:58 AM, Crawford, Anna wrote:
>>> Th output is below:
>>> aparc.annot.a2009s.ctab      lh.BA45.label               lh.V2.thresh.label 
>>>         rh.BA4p.label
>>> aparc.annot.ctab             lh.BA45.thresh.label        
>>> rh.aparc.a2009s.annot      rh.BA4p.thresh.label
>>> aparc.annot.DKTatlas40.ctab  lh.BA4a.label               rh.aparc.annot     
>>>         rh.BA6.label
>>> BA.ctab                      lh.BA4a.thresh.label        
>>> rh.aparc.DKTatlas40.annot  rh.BA6.thresh.label
>>> BA.thresh.ctab               lh.BA4p.label               rh.BA1.label       
>>>         rh.BA.annot
>>> lh.aparc.a2009s.annot        lh.BA4p.thresh.label        
>>> rh.BA1.thresh.label        rh.BA.thresh.annot
>>> lh.aparc.annot               lh.BA6.label                rh.BA2.label       
>>>         rh.cortex.label
>>> lh.aparc.DKTatlas40.annot    lh.BA6.thresh.label         
>>> rh.BA2.thresh.label        rh.entorhinal_exvivo.label
>>> lh.BA1.label                 lh.BA.annot                 rh.BA3a.label      
>>>         rh.MT.label
>>> lh.BA1.thresh.label          lh.BA.thresh.annot          
>>> rh.BA3a.thresh.label       rh.MT.thresh.label
>>> lh.BA2.label                 lh.cortex.label             rh.BA3b.label      
>>>         rh.perirhinal.label
>>> lh.BA2.thresh.label          lh.entorhinal_exvivo.label  
>>> rh.BA3b.thresh.label       rh.V1.label
>>> lh.BA3a.label                lh.MT.label                 rh.BA44.label      
>>>         rh.V1.thresh.label
>>> lh.BA3a.thresh.label         lh.MT.thresh.label          
>>> rh.BA44.thresh.label       rh.V2.label
>>> lh.BA3b.label                lh.perirhinal.label         rh.BA45.label      
>>>         rh.V2.thresh.label
>>> lh.BA3b.thresh.label         lh.V1.label                 
>>> rh.BA45.thresh.label       Testing1.label
>>> lh.BA44.label                lh.V1.thresh.label          rh.BA4a.label      
>>>         Testing.label
>>> lh.BA44.thresh.label         lh.V2.label                 
>>> rh.BA4a.thresh.label
>>> Thanks,
>>> Anna
>>> ________________________________________
>>> From: 
>>> [] on behalf of dgw 
>>> []
>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 11:52 AM
>>> To: Freesurfer support list
>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
>>> what is the output of "ls"?
>>> On 9/27/16 11:50 AM, Crawford, Anna wrote:
>>>> Thank you. That worked for changing the default directory. When I run 
>>>> mri_label2label, I am still getting the same error that there is no such 
>>>> file or directory for the label.
>>>> Anna
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: 
>>>> [] on behalf of dgw 
>>>> []
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 11:36 AM
>>>> To: Freesurfer support list
>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
>>>> Anna, if you are using bash the command is:
>>>> export SUBJECTS_DIR=<path>
>>>> On 9/27/16 11:31 AM, Crawford, Anna wrote:
>>>>> I also tried doing setenv SUBJECTS_DIR <path> but that did not work 
>>>>> either.
>>>>> bash: setenv: command not found
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Anna
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> From: Crawford, Anna
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 11:12 AM
>>>>> To: Freesurfer support list
>>>>> Subject: RE: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
>>>>> If I don't use --sd it uses the default subject directory (SUBJECTS_DIR   
>>>>>  /tools/freesurfer/subjects) which is not where my data is located.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Anna
>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>> From: 
>>>>> [] on behalf of Douglas Greve 
>>>>> []
>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 10:50 AM
>>>>> To:
>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
>>>>> Do you need to use the ---sd option? That sets the SUBJECTS_DIR. If that
>>>>> is already set properly, then do not use the --sd.
>>>>> On 9/27/16 9:38 AM, Crawford, Anna wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I keep getting an error when I use mri_label2label. Below is my input 
>>>>>> and output. I have tried various paths all the way down to the label and 
>>>>>> above the subject level, but still always get the same error. I have 
>>>>>> also verified it is the path with the label. Why is it not recognizing 
>>>>>> it?
>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>> mri_label2label --sd 
>>>>>> /mnt/netScratch/crawforda/BrainStem/study11074/S2sdt/segfs/label  
>>>>>> --srcsubject segfs --srclabel Testing.label --trgsubject segfs 
>>>>>> --trglabel Testing1N.label --regmethod volume
>>>>>> srclabel = Testing.label
>>>>>> srcsubject = segfs
>>>>>> trgsubject = segfs
>>>>>> trglabel = Testing1N.label
>>>>>> regmethod = volume
>>>>>> usehash = 1
>>>>>> Use ProjAbs  = 0, 0
>>>>>> Use ProjFrac = 0, 0
>>>>>> DoPaint 0
>>>>>> SUBJECTS_DIR    
>>>>>> /mnt/netScratch/crawforda/BrainStem/study11074/S2sdt/segfs/label
>>>>>> FREESURFER_HOME /tools/freesurfer
>>>>>> Loading source label.
>>>>>> No such file or directory
>>>>>> mri_label2label: could not open label file Testing.label
>>>>>> No such file or directory
>>>>>> ERROR reading Testing.label
>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>> From: 
>>>>>> [] on behalf of Bruce Fischl 
>>>>>> []
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 6:20 PM
>>>>>> To: Freesurfer support list
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
>>>>>> Hi Anna
>>>>>> freeview now checks (in the dev version I believe) if the label has been
>>>>>> sampled onto the surface and won't crash, but you need to use
>>>>>> mri_label2label to sample it onto the surface before loading it onto the
>>>>>> inflated surface in freeview
>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>> On Mon, 26 Sep 2016, Crawford, Anna wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> i created a test ROI which saves as a label. Every time I try to load 
>>>>>>> it as a label on the surface (inflated), it crashed FreeView. I'm not 
>>>>>>> sure why it won't load there. I noticed this happens with some other 
>>>>>>> ore-made labels as well. What could be the cause of this?
>>>>>>> I also tried doing mri_label2vol (to then do vol2surf), but I am 
>>>>>>> getting an errorL option unknown. I did the following:
>>>>>>> mri_label2vol \  --label Testing.label \ --temp ../mri/brainmask.mgz
>>>>>>> among other similar variations. Am I just inputting it wrong or am I 
>>>>>>> just missing information?
>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>> From: 
>>>>>>> [] on behalf of Bruce Fischl 
>>>>>>> []
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 4:23 PM
>>>>>>> To: Freesurfer support list
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
>>>>>>> Hi Anna
>>>>>>> scuba is very old and deprecated. Try using freeview instead
>>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>>> On Mon, 26 Sep
>>>>>>> 2016, Crawford, Anna wrote:
>>>>>>>> To create the volume ROI, I found something that said to use:
>>>>>>>> scuba -v $filename
>>>>>>>> to then make a new ROI.
>>>>>>>> I got en error that I could not open scuba. Is this the correct way to 
>>>>>>>> go about this, or is there some other means that I should be doing not 
>>>>>>>> 'scuba'?
>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>>> From: 
>>>>>>>> [] on behalf of Bruce Fischl 
>>>>>>>> []
>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 1:52 PM
>>>>>>>> To: Freesurfer support list
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
>>>>>>>> yes, create a volume ROI and you can map it onto the surface using
>>>>>>>> mri_vol2surf
>>>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>>>> On Mon, 26 Sep 2016, Crawford, Anna wrote:
>>>>>>>>> For now, I am just trying to get any arbitrary ROI that I define. 
>>>>>>>>> (I'm new to this and am just trying to figure out how to get the 
>>>>>>>>> basic process first.) Eventually, I will want it related to another 
>>>>>>>>> signal such as the EEG from an epilepsy subject for example. In that 
>>>>>>>>> case, it would be the active region that I want to capture and then 
>>>>>>>>> map it to the surface. First, I want to be sure that I can get an ROI 
>>>>>>>>> that I can then project to the surface (which I assume would be 
>>>>>>>>> something like mri_vol2surf) if that makes sense. So i first need to 
>>>>>>>>> be able to create the volume or label.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>>>> From: 
>>>>>>>>> [] on behalf of Bruce Fischl 
>>>>>>>>> []
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 1:16 PM
>>>>>>>>> To: Freesurfer support list
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
>>>>>>>>> can you explain what the ROI is supposed to represent? If you can 
>>>>>>>>> create
>>>>>>>>> it in the volume, you can use mri_vol2surf to map it onto the surface.
>>>>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 26 Sep 2016, Crawford, Anna wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> I am having trouble figuring out how to create my own ROI. I can 
>>>>>>>>>> visualize the anatomical ROI created automatically. How do I create 
>>>>>>>>>> a new ROI?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Anna
>>>>>>>>>> ________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>> From: 
>>>>>>>>>> [] on behalf of Bruce Fischl 
>>>>>>>>>> []
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, September 26, 2016 10:44 AM
>>>>>>>>>> To: Freesurfer support list
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Co-registering different source data
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Anna
>>>>>>>>>> I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but if you register EEG 
>>>>>>>>>> electrodes to
>>>>>>>>>> the white or pial surface, then you can visualize them on the 
>>>>>>>>>> inflated
>>>>>>>>>> surface trivially. That is, you can create your ROI on any surface 
>>>>>>>>>> of the
>>>>>>>>>> same hemisphere/subject and visualize it on any other
>>>>>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>>>>>> Bruce
>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 26 Sep 2016, Crawford, Anna
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>> I am trying to create a new surface area on the inflated brain 
>>>>>>>>>>> given by freesurfer
>>>>>>>>>>> using recon-all. I make to create my own ROI that is co-registered 
>>>>>>>>>>> onto this surfer.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ultimately, I want to be able to take information from a different 
>>>>>>>>>>> data source such as
>>>>>>>>>>> EEG and have it co-registered onto the inflated surface. How do I 
>>>>>>>>>>> go about creating
>>>>>>>>>>> this new ROI surface?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Anna
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