Dear Freesurfers,

I am trying to implement the methods mentioned in this paper to deal with
partial volume effects when quantifying metabolites: https://www.ncbi.

The first step it mentions is: A binary mask must first be created, which
represents the 3D SVS voxel. A binary mask is an image where each voxel
contains either 1 or 0; in this case, the SVS voxel would be represented by
a value of 1 and all other voxels 0. There are multiple ways to create a
binary mask; one example, which was used successfully in this work, is the
“mask()” function within Matlab9 and the FreeSurfer (Fischl)10 application

When I am trying the following command in FreeSurfer:

mri_volsynth --dim 3 4 5 2 --vol try.IMA

I am getting this output:

[image: Inline image 1]

But, I don’t know where it is saving the output file. And, I am also not
sure whether I am using mri_volsynth correctly. What is --dim nc nr ns nf

Also which pixels suppose to be 1's and which 0's?

Any help is appreciated.
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