yn-128-59-230-36:structural michellevantieghem2$ ftp

Connected to surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu.

220-This is the Martinos Center Anonymous FTP service. Use of this site

220-shows implicit consent to our Acceptable Use Policy outlined at



220-OPERATIONAL NOTE:  If, when doing a GET or PUT, you encounter either


220-229 Entering Extended Passive Mode


220-                   and nothing happens OR


220-229 Entering Extended Passive Mode

220-500 Bad EPRT protocol.


220-                  try issuing the EPSV command prior to GET or PUT.



Name (surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu:michellevantieghem2): anonymous

331 Please specify the password.


230 Login successful.

Remote system type is UNIX.

Using binary mode to transfer files.

ftp> cd transfer/outgoing

250 Directory successfully changed.

ftp> put SB152_freesurfer.tar.gz

local: SB152_freesurfer.tar.gz remote: SB152_freesurfer.tar.gz

229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||37860|).

553 Could not create file.

ftp> ls

229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||37896|).

150 Here comes the directory listing.

-rw-r--r--    1 0        0            3812 Dec 01 06:10 README.1st

drwxrwsr-t    4 0        1046         4096 Nov 21  2014 flat

drwxrwsr-t   13 0        160          4096 Aug 19  2013 fsdev

drwxrwsr-t   14 0        1046         4096 Dec 05  2011 recon

drwxrwsr-t    3 0        18           4096 Jan 24  2005 sysadm

226 Directory send OK.

ftp> ls

229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||37892|).

150 Here comes the directory listing.

-rw-r--r--    1 0        0            3812 Dec 01 06:10 README.1st

drwxrwsr-t    4 0        1046         4096 Nov 21  2014 flat

drwxrwsr-t   13 0        160          4096 Aug 19  2013 fsdev

drwxrwsr-t   14 0        1046         4096 Dec 05  2011 recon

drwxrwsr-t    3 0        18           4096 Jan 24  2005 sysadm

226 Directory send OK.

ftp> put SB152_freesurfer.tar.gz

local: SB152_freesurfer.tar.gz remote: SB152_freesurfer.tar.gz

229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||37898|).

553 Could not create file.


On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 4:50 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

> can you paste the full session text into the email (not as a screen shot)?
> On Fri, 1 Dec 2017, Michelle VanTieghem wrote:
> Hi, I am unsure whether this worked: see attached screenshot.
>> Thanks!
>> M
>> On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>> wrote:
>>       yes, it should. You should just be able to do a "put"
>>       On Fri, 1 Dec 2017, Michelle VanTieghem wrote:
>>             Hi,
>>             I am confused by the instructions for the ftp. Once I am
>> logged into the ftp and have navigated to
>>             the transfer/incoming
>>             directory, how am I supposed to find / access the file that I
>> would ike to send through? Does
>>             terminal still recognize my
>>             working directory before I logged into the ftp?
>>             Thanks!
>>             Michelle
>>             On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 2:54 PM, Bruce Fischl <
>> fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>                   Hi Michelle
>>                   probably best to tar and gzip the entire subject
>> directory and ftp it to us:
>>                   https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard
>> .edu/fswiki/FtpFileExchange
>>                   cheers
>>                   Bruce
>>                   On Sat, 18 Nov 2017, Michelle VanTieghem wrote:
>>                         Hi,
>>                         Yes I can send you the data - should I just
>> attach the mprage file in the email, or is
>>             there
>>                         another
>>                         way to share the data with freesurfer? Also,
>> should I send one scan or multiple
>>             scans?
>>                         Thanks,
>>                         Michelle
>>                         On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Bruce Fischl <
>> fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>                               Hi Michelle
>>                               are you doing anything out of the ordinary?
>> Do you want to send us a dataset and
>>             we will
>>                               take a look? I don't think 6.0 is very
>> different from 5.3 in regard to skull
>>             stripping,
>>                               although it is probably a bit better
>>                               Bruce
>>                               On Fri, 17 Nov 2017, Michelle VanTieghem
>> wrote:
>>                                     Hello,
>>                                     I have posted several times about
>> problems with skull-stripping with our
>>                                     dataset. We have tried gcut
>>                                     and multiple other options in other
>> packages (AFNI, FSL, ANTS) to remove
>>                                     skull from structural
>>                                     images in our dataset with little
>> success.
>>                                     Recently, a colleague suggested this
>> may be due to versions: that 6.0
>>             deals
>>                                     with skull stripping
>>                                     much better than 5.3.
>>                                      I wanted to ask if indeed this could
>> be the case before I go install 6.0
>>                                     and re-run everything in
>>                                     my study.
>>                                     Thank you,
>>                                     Michelle
>>                                     --
>>                                     Michelle VanTieghem
>>                                     PhD student in Psychology
>>                                     Developmental Affective Neuroscience
>> Lab
>>                                     Columbia University
>>                                     mrv2...@columbia.edu
>>                         The information in this e-mail is intended only
>> for the person to whom it is
>>                         addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to
>> you in error and the e-mail
>>                         contains patient information, please contact the
>> Partners Compliance HelpLine at
>>                         http://www.partners.org/complianceline . If the
>> e-mail was sent to you in error
>>                         but does not contain patient information, please
>> contact the sender and properly
>>                         dispose of the e-mail.
>>                         --
>>                         Michelle VanTieghem
>>                         PhD student in Psychology
>>                         Developmental Affective Neuroscience Lab
>>                         Columbia University
>>                         mrv2...@columbia.edu
>>             --
>>             Michelle VanTieghem
>>             PhD student in Psychology
>>             Developmental Affective Neuroscience Lab
>>             Columbia University
>>             mrv2...@columbia.edu
>> --
>> Michelle VanTieghem
>> PhD student in Psychology
>> Developmental Affective Neuroscience Lab
>> Columbia University
>> mrv2...@columbia.edu

Michelle VanTieghem
PhD student in Psychology
Developmental Affective Neuroscience Lab
Columbia University
Freesurfer mailing list

The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
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