Hi  Yerong

the indices and names are all in the FreeSurferColorLUT.txt file. The 
indices in [1000,2000) are for lh and in [2000,3000) are rh. For example, 
2008 is ctx-rh-inferiorparietal.


  On Tue, 8 Jan 2019, Yerong Li wrote:

>        External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Bruce:
> Thank you.
> So my question would be if aparc+aseg.mgz is from ?h.aparc.annot and
> aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz is from
> ?h.aparc.a2009s.annot.
> Then how I can find the mapping between labels in aparc+aseg.mgz to
> labels in ?h.aparc.annot?
> The labels in ?h.aparc.annot are
>            0        6500      660700     1316060     1326300
> 1351760     2146559
>      2647065     3296035     3302420     3302560     3957880
> 3988500     3988540
>      4924360     6553700     6558940     7874740     8204875
> 9180240     9180300
>      9182740     9211105     9221140     9221340     9231540
> 10511485    10542100
>     11146310    11832480    13145750    14423100    14433500
> 14464220    14474380
>     they have naming:
>     {'unknown'                 }
>     {'bankssts'                }
>     {'caudalanteriorcingulate' }
>     {'caudalmiddlefrontal'     }
>     {'corpuscallosum'          }
>     {'cuneus'                  }
>     {'entorhinal'              }
>     {'fusiform'                }
>     {'inferiorparietal'        }
>     {'inferiortemporal'        }
>     {'isthmuscingulate'        }
>     {'lateraloccipital'        }
>     {'lateralorbitofrontal'    }
>     {'lingual'                 }
>     {'medialorbitofrontal'     }
>     {'middletemporal'          }
>     {'parahippocampal'         }
>     {'paracentral'             }
>     {'parsopercularis'         }
>     {'parsorbitalis'           }
>     {'parstriangularis'        }
>     {'pericalcarine'           }
>     {'postcentral'             }
>     {'posteriorcingulate'      }
>     {'precentral'              }
>     {'precuneus'               }
>     {'rostralanteriorcingulate'}
>     {'rostralmiddlefrontal'    }
>     {'superiorfrontal'         }
>     {'superiorparietal'        }
>     {'superiortemporal'        }
>     {'supramarginal'           }
>     {'frontalpole'             }
>     {'temporalpole'            }
>     {'transversetemporal'      }
>     {'insula'                  }
> The labels in aparc+aseg.mgz are from 0-2035 and most of them are under 88.
> And in lookup tables, labels in aparc+aseg.mgz have different naming.
> Do you know how to do find relationship between volumtic labels and
> surface labels?
> Yerong
> Quoting Bruce Fischl <fis...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>:
>> Hi Yerong
>> the parcellations are done on the surface to generate the annot files.
>> These are then sampled into the cortical ribbon to extend the aseg so that
>> every voxel in the cortex is given a label from the corresponding annot
>> file (aparc+aseg.mgz from aparc.annot and aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz from
>> aparc.a2009s.annot)
>> cheers
>> Bruce
>> On
>> Tue, 8 Jan 2019, Yerong Li wrote:
>>>        External Email - Use Caution
>>> Dear Freesurfer experts:
>>> I am on ROI analysis tutorial:
>>> https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FsTutorial/AnatomicalROIV6.0
>>> And I am trying to understand the relationship between:
>>>    /label/?h.aparc.annot and /mri/aparc+aseg.mgz
>>>    /label/?h.aparc.a2009s.annot and /mri/aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz
>>> I understand /label/?h.aparc.annot corresponds to "Desikan-Killiany
>>> atlas" and its labels have 35 different labels (except unknown 0),
>>> while in several cases you mentioned that "/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz"
>>> corresponds to "Desikan-Killiany atlas", which I DO NOT understand.
>>>    "/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz" to me are subcortical segmentations while
>>> "/label/?h.aparc.annot" are cortical(surface) parcellations.
>>> "Desikan-Killiany atlas" should mean "cortical (surface)
>>> parcellations".  That's why I do not understand why
>>> "/mri/aparc+aseg.mgz" corresponds to "Desikan-Killiany atlas"?
>>>  Could anyone help me understand this?
>>> Yerong
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