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I am trying to understand some code I came across and am having trouble
understanding the difference between the target surface in mri_surf2surf
and the surface used as target for the registration. The code first uses
freesurfer_registerXhem register the subject's right hemisphere to the left
and register both hemispheres to fsaverage_sym, producing the registration
file fsaverage_sym.sphere.reg.

I then use the following command:

mri_surf2surf --srcsubject $subj  --hemi lh --trgsubject ico  --trgicoorder
7 --surfreg fsaverage_sym.sphere.reg --srcsurfval temp.curv --src_type curv
--trgsurfval tempN.curv --trg_type curv --mapmethod nnf --nsmooth-out 1

to resample the registered subject surface to ico7. To my understanding,
ico7 is exactly the same as fsaverage, but fsaverage is not exactly the
same as fsaverage_sym. So I find it strange that the code is using a
registration file which is registered to one surface (fsaverage_sym) with a
different target surface (fsaverage).

I'm not sure which space the result will actually be in - fsaverage or

I'm obviously missing something basic here.

Thanks very much for the help!

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