External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Freesurfer experts,

We ran a functional language localizer analysis in FSL and we want to apply
the mask from this analysis to our SMRI analyses using the mri_glmfit
command with the --mask option.  Basically, we want to examine whether GMV
within these language localizer regions is correlated with performance on
various tasks. I previously used mri_convert to convert the .nii file to
.mgh, and tried to run the mri_glmfit --mask command but received an error
(ERROR: dimension mismatch 1 between y and mask) which I believe is linked
to the fact that the previously run mris_preproc files are 4D, while our
functional mask is still only 3D.  When I use tksurfer and overlay the 3D
mask file, it looks fine.

So the question is how can we convert our 3D functional mask into a format
that we can use for the mri_glmfit command (Nverteces x 1 x 1 x

Thanks for all your help!


Jennifer Legault
PhD, Neuroscience
Postdoctoral Scholar
Language Acquisition and Brain Lab
University of Delaware
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