Hi Brian

usually this is fixable by changing some default parameters in recon-all. You can try this yourself (the intensity bounds used in mri_segment and mris_make_surfaces - look at the help), or you can upload a subject to our ftp site and we can recommend some


        On Sun, 28 Jul 2019, Brian Biekman wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution        

To whom it may concern:
    I'm dealing with an issue in my subjects' recon-all output where the white 
surface extends into the gray matter, especially in the parietal and posterior 
regions. This is caused by the wm.mgz including too much gray matter. This 
issue occurs to
some degree in every subject's scans. This can be fixed with extensive wm 
volume edits but
since this appears to be a systematic problem, I wanted to find a solution that 
could be
applied to every subject, possibly in the recon-all pipeline. I've tried using 
an expert
parameters 2 different ways to no avail. I've changed the -wlo values in 
mri_segment but it
removes wm voxels in the temporal lobe from the wm.mgz surface. I've tried 
adding the
-prune and -gentle flags to mri_normalize but that appears to make the problem 
worse. Is
there a better approach to try? If necessary, I can send a subject's recon-all 

Brian Biekman Graduate Student, University of Houston
Clinical Psychology, Neuropsychology Concentration
Laboratory of Early Experience and Development (LEED)

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