I don't know what the Brainnetome is, but it looks like you have it in 
annotation form. I think that command should work. Why are you using 
--no-xcerseg? This will cause it to not include extracerebral 
structures. Also note that you cannot use arbitrarily small segments 
when doing PVC.

On 8/13/19 10:26 AM, Boris Rauchmann wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Dear all,
> my intention is to use the Brainnetome Atlas parcellation/segmentation 
> in PETSurfer to obtain PVC corrected SUVRs for the atlas ROIs. I used:
> gtmseg --s XYZ --o BN.gtmseg.mgz --ctx-annot BN_Atlas.annot --ctab 
> '/media/XYZ/BN_Atlas_freesurfer/BN_Atlas_246_LUT.txt' --no-xcerseg
> Is this the right approach to obtain a high resolution segmentation to 
> run PVC methods?
> Thanks,
> Boris
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