External Email - Use Caution        

Dear FreeSurfers! 

I would like to confirm something before I proceed with my analyses. I think I 
am just confused again. 

I am doing resting state analysis using fsfast. I am trying to use a label 
defined in the fsaverage space as a seed using the fcseed-config & fcseed-sess 
commands. Now these commands say that the label should be in fuctional space, 
which I gather is the space of the f.nii. 

So in order to move the label into functional space I say:

mri_label2vol --subject fsaverage --label lh.mylabel.in-fsaverage.label --o 
lh.mylabel.individualized.in-functional.mgz --proj frac 0 1 0.01  --hemi lh 
--temp ${projectdir}/${sessionj}/rest/001/f.nii --fill-ribbon --reg 

To my surprise, the voxel size here corresponds to the anatomical (orig.mgz) 
but not the functional space (f.nii). To test this further I did: 

mri_label2vol --subject fsaverage --label lh.mylabel.in-fsaverage.label --o 
lh.mylabel.individualized.in-functional.mgz --proj frac 0 1 0.01  --hemi lh 
--temp $SUBJECTS_DIR/$/${sessionj}/mri/orig.mgz --fill-ribbon --reg 

And I get exactly the same ROI in the volume. 

So just to confirm, is this what I want for the fcseed -commands?

Thank you so much again! 

Lauri Tuominen

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