yes, those commands look right, except I think you don't need to specify

--surfreg my_avg_subject.sphere.reg It will automatically do this for you

On 2/19/2020 1:44 PM, Marina Fernández wrote:

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Hi experts, I am running the following command to create de average subjecto with Freesurfer v6.0: make_average_subject --out my_avg_subject --fsgd fsgd.txt Then, I want to do surface analysis with the thickness of each subject projected onto my_avg_subject. I would like to know if it is correct to run these commands before that statistical analysis: surfreg --s s_001 --t my_avg_subject --o my_avg_subject.sphere.reg mris_preproc --fsgd nfsgd.txt --target my_avg_subject --surfreg my_avg_subject.sphere.reg --meas thickness --srcfmt curv --hemi [l/r]h --out [l/r]h.fsgd.mgh Finally, I would use "[l/r]h.fsgd.mgh" file to do the thickness surface analysis. Is it correct? Should I run surfreg and use the output in mris_preproc? What is the advantage? Thank you very much! Marina-

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