That looks like it could be right. It has 102,020 vertices, which should be the number of vertices in the target subject (and is in the typical range for an individual subject)

On 5/6/2020 10:21 AM, Ian Hardingham wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

FSLInfo attached, thanks Bruce.

When trying to run freeview I get "freeview.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" - do I need to add /usr/local/freesurfer/lib/* to path or something along those lines?

SURFACE INFO ========================================
num vertices: 102020
num faces   : 204036
num strips  : 0
surface area: 65520.5
AvgVtxArea       0.642232
AvgVtxDist       0.940503
StdVtxDist       0.417776
ctr         : (-31.9056, -18.8197, 16.3545)
vertex locs : surfaceRAS
Volume Geometry (vg)
volume geometry:
extent  : (176, 224, 256)
voxel   : ( 1.0000,  1.0000,  1.0000)
x_(ras) : (-0.9990, -0.0436,  0.0000)
y_(ras) : (-0.0436,  0.9990,  0.0000)
z_(ras) : ( 0.0000,  0.0000,  1.0000)
c_(ras) : (-0.5431,  8.9290, -17.0723)
file    : /media/ian/bronson/subject/T1_nifti.nii.gz
Volume Geometry vox2ras
-0.99905  -0.04362   0.00000   92.25847;
-0.04362   0.99905   0.00000  -99.12585;
 0.00000   0.00000   1.00000  -145.07230;
 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;
Volume Geometry vox2ras-tkr
-1.00000   0.00000   0.00000   88.00000;
 0.00000   0.00000   1.00000  -128.00000;
 0.00000  -1.00000   0.00000   112.00000;
 0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;
cmd[0]: mris_remove_intersection ../surf/lh.orig ../surf/lh.orig ProgramVersion: $Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2016/05/26-23:14:53-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 13 2013 18:53:32 CVS: $Id: mris_remove_intersection.c,v 1.6 2011/03/02 00:04:32 nicks Exp $  User: fsuser  Machine: xubuntu-VirtualBox Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 3.2.0-23-generic CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400 cmd[1]: mris_make_surfaces -noaparc -whiteonly -mgz -T1 brain.finalsurfs T1_MDEFT_BONANN lh ProgramVersion: $Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2016/05/26-23:14:56-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 13 2013 18:53:32  CVS: $Id: mris_make_surfaces.c,v 2013/05/12 22:28:01 nicks Exp $  User: fsuser  Machine: xubuntu-VirtualBox  Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 3.2.0-23-generic  CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400 cmd[2]: mris_smooth -n 3 -nw -seed 1234 ../surf/lh.white ../surf/lh.smoothwm ProgramVersion: $Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2016/05/26-23:18:33-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 13 2013 18:53:32 CVS: $Id: mris_smooth.c,v 1.28 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $ User: fsuser  Machine: xubuntu-VirtualBox  Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 3.2.0-23-generic  CompilerName: GCC CompilerVersion: 30400 cmd[3]: mris_inflate ../surf/lh.smoothwm ../surf/lh.inflated ProgramVersion: $Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2016/05/26-23:18:36-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 13 2013 18:53:32 CVS: $Id: mris_inflate.c,v 1.43 2011/03/02 00:04:32 nicks Exp $ User: fsuser  Machine: xubuntu-VirtualBox  Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 3.2.0-23-generic  CompilerName: GCC CompilerVersion: 30400 cmd[4]: mris_sphere -seed 1234 ../surf/lh.inflated ../surf/lh.sphere ProgramVersion: $Name: stable5 $  TimeStamp: 2016/05/26-23:20:12-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 13 2013 18:53:32 CVS: $Id: mris_sphere.c,v 1.57 2011/03/02 00:04:34 nicks Exp $ User: fsuser  Machine: xubuntu-VirtualBox  Platform: Linux PlatformVersion: 3.2.0-23-generic  CompilerName: GCC CompilerVersion: 30400 cmd[5]: mris_register -curv ../surf/lh.sphere /usr/local/freesurfer/average/lh.average.curvature.filled.buckner40.tif ../surf/lh.sphere.reg ProgramVersion: $Name: stable5 $ TimeStamp: 2016/05/27-00:03:14-GMT  BuildTimeStamp: May 13 2013 18:53:32  CVS: $Id: mris_register.c,v 1.59 2011/03/02 00:04:33 nicks Exp $  User: fsuser  Machine: xubuntu-VirtualBox Platform: Linux  PlatformVersion: 3.2.0-23-generic CompilerName: GCC  CompilerVersion: 30400
creationtime 2020/05/06-14:18:48-GMT
sysname  Linux
hostname ryzen-cumnor
machine  x86_64
surfacefile /home/ian/cdm_registered_test/registered_lh.white
hemicode    1
talairach_flag  0
rescale     0.000000
nvertices   102020
nfaces      204036
total_area  65520.492188
group_avg_vtxarea_loaded 0
avgvtxarea  0.642232
avgvtxdist  0.940503
stdvtxdist  0.417776
vtx0xyz   -8.576451 -101.319672 3.333434

On 06/05/2020 15:00, Bruce Fischl wrote:
can you run mris_info on the output surfcae? And maybe send a freeview snapshot of it (in 3d rendering mode)

On Wed, 6 May 2020, Ian wrote:

       External Email - Use Caution
Thanks Tim and Doug.

I have the files generating and loading properly now, but I'm not convinced it's giving the output I'm looking for.

I am trying to convert the "fsaverage" subject's surface coordinates to my own subject's surface space.

FSaverage's lh.white file is 5898808 bytes:

5898808 Apr 11  2013 /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.white

After converting with this command:

mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --srcsubject fsaverage --sval-xyz white --trgsubject fs_target --tval-xyz {input_dir}/T1_nifti.nii.gz --trgsurfval {output_dir}/registered_lh.white

My newly registered lh.white file is half the size:

3316997 May  6 10:41 /home/ian/cdm_registered_test/registered_lh.white

(and appears to have half the vertices accordingly.)

So this must be incorrect, or at least not my intended purpose.

To try and be clear, I'm looking to get the position of every vertex in fsaverage's surfaces "on" the surface of my subject's surfaces.  So if there's a vertex at the peak of a particular sulcii on fsaverage, I'm looking to find where the peak of that sulcii is on my subject.


On 06/05/2020 09:08, Tim Schäfer wrote:
          External Email - Use Caution

 Just a note: there should be no need to convert to gifti, nibabel can read
 the FreeSurer binary surface format directly with

 The docs are here:



 On May 5, 2020 at 7:59 PM "Douglas N. Greve" <>

 You should load the surfaces in FV. If it load in FV ok but nibable is
 crashing, you should contact them.

 On 5/5/2020 1:05 PM, Ian Hardingham wrote:
          External Email - Use Caution

 Thank you both.

 I've made edits and these are the current commands:

 mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --srcsubject fsaverage --sval-xyz white
 --trgsubject fs_target --tval-xyz {input_dir}/T1_nifti.nii.gz
 --trgsurfval {output_dir}/registered_lh.white
 mri_surf2surf --hemi rh --srcsubject fsaverage --sval-xyz white
 --trgsubject fs_target --tval-xyz {input_dir}/T1_nifti.nii.gz
 --trgsurfval {output_dir}/registered_rh.white
 mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --srcsubject fsaverage --sval-xyz pial
 --trgsubject fs_target --tval-xyz {input_dir}/T1_nifti.nii.gz
 --trgsurfval {output_dir}/registered_lh.pial
 mri_surf2surf --hemi rh --srcsubject fsaverage --sval-xyz pial
 --trgsubject fs_target --tval-xyz {input_dir}/T1_nifti.nii.gz
 --trgsurfval {output_dir}/registered_rh.pial

 These execute successfully and the file size looks about right, but
 after using mris_convert to convert to Gifti format nibabel crashes on  trying to load them - is there anything obviously wrong in my commands?

 I'll also take a look at mris_apply_reg.

 On 05/05/2020 18:01, Douglas N. Greve wrote:
 Don't specify a --trg_type. But add --tval-xyz
 mris_apply_reg will do the same thing, but the interface might be a
 little easier

 On 5/5/2020 12:49 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
 no definitely not "w" format, which we don't use for anything
 anymore. YOu should use tval-xyz also I think
 On Tue, 5 May 2020, Ian Hardingham wrote:

          External Email - Use Caution

 It would appear not, as I'm getting an error on my pial output
 files but not
 my white ones.  Here are my commands:

 mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --srcsubject fsaverage --sval-xyz white
 fs_target --trgsurfval ./registered_lh.white --trg_type w
 mri_surf2surf --hemi rh --srcsubject fsaverage --sval-xyz white
 fs_target --trgsurfval ./registered_rh.white --trg_type w
 mri_surf2surf --hemi lh --srcsubject fsaverage --sval-xyz pial
 fs_target --trgsurfval ./registered_lh.pial --trg_type w
 mri_surf2surf --hemi rh --srcsubject fsaverage --sval-xyz pial
 fs_target --trgsurfval ./registered_rh.pial --trg_type w

 The white calls output seems to be fine, but the pial ones aren't.  I
 somewhat naively trued trg_type pial but that wasn't correct.

 On 05/05/2020 17:33, Ian Hardingham wrote:

        Thanks Bruce, extremely helpful.

        Can I just check that the "w" format is what is used by both
        lh/rh.pial and the lh/rh.white files?  I only ask because my         surf2surf command outputs the exact output filename if the end         is ".white", but if it's ".pial" it outputs ".pial.w", which I
        find a little curious.


        On 05/05/2020 16:34, Bruce Fischl wrote:
        yes, check out options like:

        if you need further help though I'll have to defer to Doug

        On Tue, 5 May 2020, Ian Hardingham wrote:

                      External Email - Use Caution

              Bruce, I've read the docs on mri_surf2surf - I
              wish to get surface files out
              (again, lh.pial, rh.pial, lh.white, and
              rh.white) rather than values for
              something such as thickness - is there an
              option for mri_surf2surf to allow

              On 05/05/2020 14:43, Bruce Fischl wrote:
                    Hi Ian

                    you can use mri_surf2surf to map
              surfaces between subjects, but
                    our atlas isn't really a surface. You
              can use the surfaces in
                    the fsaverage dir, but they are meant
              for visualization and are
                    much smoother than individuals


                    On Tue, 5 May 2020, Ian wrote:

                                  External Email - Use

                          Hi Freesurfers.

                          I have a subject S with recon-all
              having been run on

                          I have the subject-specific
              surface files
                          /surf/lh.pial, rh.pial, lh.white,
                          and rh.white.

                          I would like an Atlas's lh.pial,
              rh.pial, lh.white,
                          and rh.white in subject

                          Any helpers on how to achieve



                          Ian Hardingham

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 Dr. Tim Schäfer
 Postdoc Computational Neuroimaging
 Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and
 University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main,

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