Is that the right error msg? It says it can't find the RH, but you are running it with LH. Can you post the entire terminal output?

On 11/3/2020 2:00 PM, Chan, Shi Yu wrote:

Hi FreeSurferDevelopers,

I'm trying to calculate cortical thickness statistics from the Yeo 17 Network cortical parcellation and have used mri_surf2surf to get the .annot files for each subject.

However, when I run mris_anatomical_stats, I get an error:

ERROR: stating file subjects_dir/sub-001/label/sub-001/label/rh.Yeo2011_17Networks_N1000.annot

It seems like the "sub-001/label" portion is repeated.

The command I use for mris_anatomical_stats is:

mris_anatomical_stats -th3 -mgz -cortex sub-001/label/lh.cortex.label -f sub-001/stats/lh.Yeo_17Networks.stats -b -a sub-001/label/lh.Yeo2011_17Networks_N1000.annot sub-001 lh white

The command still runs despite the error, and outputs the stats files accordingly, so I'm not sure how important this error is, but I can't figure out how to fix it.

This is a similar issue to: <> but I've checked $SUBJECTS_DIR, and it is correct. If I run ls $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub-001 I'll see all the different sub-folders in sub-001 (mri stats labels etc)

Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!

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