External Email - Use Caution        


Thank you for the reply.

1.  Regarding the Nvidia drivers, we don’t have GPUs in most of our nodes 
(which is where I’m running freeview from).  The CPUs should be doing all the 
rendering in this case.
2.  I am the administrator of this cluster, so that isn’t an issue on my end.
3.  I pulled one of our CentOS 8.1.1911 nodes out of the cluster and installed 
freesurfer-CentOS8-7.1.0-1.x86_64.rpm locally using rpm.
4.  When I run /usr/local/freesurfer/7.1.0-1/bin/freeview, I get :

r1pl-hpcf-n09: ~$ /usr/local/freesurfer/7.1.0-1/bin/freeview

QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-aps003'

MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib64/dri)

libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

Aborted (core dumped)

And the /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2020-11-10-08\:26\:55-23032/core_backtrace is 
attached.  If you can’t view it, I can paste it into an email.  It looks very 
similar to the original backtrace that I pasted before.  Even with the rpm 
installed as intended (i.e. in /usr/), it seems that not be functioning 
correctly.   It still seems to me that it is failing in the 
vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow::CreateAWindow() function.  The top of the trace is 
glibc, but everything calls glibc in the end.  It isn’t clear if this is a 
glibc, vtk or some other issue.


Best regards,


From: fsbuild <fsbu...@contbay.com>
Date: Monday, November 9, 2020 at 6:53 AM
To: "freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu" <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Cc: "Snedden, Ali" <ali.sned...@nationwidechildrens.org>
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer 7.1.0 on CentOS 8.1 {Disarmed}

Hello Ali,

The swrast error can happen if Nvidia grpahics drivers were installed using 
Nvidia’s own packages/download and then subsequently, your CentOS8 kernel was 
updated via the CentOS package management tools, i.e. the Nvidia software may 
then be incompatible with the upgraded system.  I think there are Nvidia 
packages in the CentOS package repos, and using those to re-install the Nvidia 
software could fix those kinds of errors.

Currently the freesurfer RPM install path is not relocatable.  I’m not sure 
relocation would help as I think admin/root privileges would still be needed to 
for the installation process to download and install any system system 
dependent packages the freesurfer RPM indicates are needed.

I would ask your IT folks (with root/admin privileges) to look into updating 
the Nvidia software and also install the freesurfer RPM for you.  They may 
already have a way to share/mount/mirror what the freesurfer RPM will install 
under the unique path /usr/local/freesurfer/7.1.1 from one machine to another.


On Nov 6, 2020, at 09:29, Snedden, Ali <ali.sned...@nationwidechildrens.org> 

        External Email - Use Caution


Thank you for the response.  I am working on a computer cluster where we 
install all user software on a shared filesystem.  Looking at the RPM, it does 
not seem that I can install it in a path of my choosing (i.e. not in /usr).

$ rpm -qpi freesurfer-CentOS8-7.1.0-1.x86_64.rpm | head -15 | grep Relocations
Relocations : (not relocatable)

Is there a strategy for installing the rpm in a custom path?


From: fsbuild <fsbu...@contbay.com<mailto:fsbu...@contbay.com>>
Date: Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 11:47 PM
To: "freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>" 
Cc: "Snedden, Ali" 
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Freesurfer 7.1.0 on CentOS 8.1

Hello Ali,

I would try using the RPM installer which should at least check some 
dependencies on X packages, system libraries, etc.,

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- R.

On Nov 5, 2020, at 22:39, Snedden, Ali <ali.sned...@nationwidechildrens.org> 

        External Email - Use Caution


I’ve seen a couple mentions on the list-serv about difficulties using 
Freesurfer on CentOS 8.   My issue is likely similar, but I have a few more 
details.  I downloaded freesurfer-linux-centos8_x86_64-7.1.0.tar.gz.   When I 
launch `freeview`, it pops up a white/empty X window for a moment and then 
quickly disappears.

$ freeview
MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast (search paths /usr/lib64/dri)
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
Aborted (core dumped)

I vaguely recall that the libGL errors _aren’t_ fatal.  I’ve seen them with 
other X applications.  Digging around the abort logs, I found the stack trace 
(see end of email).

Do you have thoughts on this?  I thought it might be a VTK compatibility issue, 
but that is a guess at best.

Best regards,

###################### The stack trace ########################

[ccpp-2020-11-05-09:15:34-22241]# cat core_backtrace
{   "signal": 6
,   "executable": "/gpfs0/export/apps/opt/freesurfer/7.1.0/bin/freeview"
,   "only_crash_thread": true
,   "stacktrace":
      [ {   "crash_thread": true
        ,   "frames":
              [ {   "address": 140352624871839
                ,   "build_id": "f796584f6ea7bb2e49cfd09412b9c6ec86eaf0fc"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 227743
                ,   "function_name": "raise"
                ,   "file_name": "/usr/lib64/libc-2.28.so"
              , {   "address": 140352624782581
                ,   "build_id": "f796584f6ea7bb2e49cfd09412b9c6ec86eaf0fc"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 138485
                ,   "function_name": "abort"
                ,   "file_name": "/usr/lib64/libc-2.28.so"
              , {   "address": 140352824105729
                ,   "build_id": "32cfd4cdfa276fffd5973c44ddb4da4f74f234e4"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 1358593
                ,   "function_name": "vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow::CreateAWindow()"
                ,   "file_name": 
              , {   "address": 140352824102018
                ,   "build_id": "32cfd4cdfa276fffd5973c44ddb4da4f74f234e4"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 1354882
                ,   "function_name": 
                ,   "file_name": 
              , {   "address": 140352824096013
                ,   "build_id": "32cfd4cdfa276fffd5973c44ddb4da4f74f234e4"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 1348877
                ,   "function_name": "vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow::Start()"
                ,   "file_name": 
              , {   "address": 140352717995302
                ,   "build_id": "c141e58a0e1cf92c2cbd3af5f59b2991aad943c6"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 1154342
                ,   "function_name": "vtkRenderWindow::DoStereoRender()"
                ,   "file_name": 
              , {   "address": 140352717996715
                ,   "build_id": "c141e58a0e1cf92c2cbd3af5f59b2991aad943c6"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 1155755
                ,   "function_name": "vtkRenderWindow::DoFDRender()"
                ,   "file_name": 
              , {   "address": 140352718000997
                ,   "build_id": "c141e58a0e1cf92c2cbd3af5f59b2991aad943c6"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 1160037
                ,   "function_name": "vtkRenderWindow::DoAARender()"
                ,   "file_name": 
              , {   "address": 140352717997021
                ,   "build_id": "c141e58a0e1cf92c2cbd3af5f59b2991aad943c6"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 1156061
                ,   "function_name": "vtkRenderWindow::Render()"
                ,   "file_name": 
              , {   "address": 140352824097713
                ,   "build_id": "32cfd4cdfa276fffd5973c44ddb4da4f74f234e4"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 1350577
                ,   "function_name": "vtkXOpenGLRenderWindow::Render()"
                ,   "file_name": 
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                ,   "build_id": "0de18d9e888c309c18e5e9450078f0fa6f19efa3"
                ,   "build_id_offset": 1684307
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"QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*)"
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"QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*)"
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                } ]
        } ]

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Attachment: freeview_corebacktrace
Description: freeview_corebacktrace

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