The surface coordinates are in "tkregister" coordinates whereas freeview is giving you scanner coordinates. See for how to convert between them

On 3/25/2021 7:14 AM, Shizuka Hayashi wrote:

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Dear Freesurfer team,

I have a question about the inconsistency between the vertex read from read_surf and vertex shown in Freeview. I have a volume from the hippocampal subfield pipeline and I converted it to surface mesh using mri_tessellate mri/lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.long.v21.mgz -an surf/

Then I smoothed the surface using mris_smooth surf/ surf/

Now I want to get the corresponding voxel of lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.long.v21.mgz with the vertex. In Freeview, for example, the vertex 0 is [5.17, -19.5, 4.83]. I know how to convert this vertex to the corresponding voxel. However, when I read the surf/ from Matlab using read_surf, the first vertex ( vertex(1,:,:)) is equal to [165.4900,217.3600,-159.7300].

Are there any ways to solve the issue?

Thank you.



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