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I'm trying to complete my recon-all command. I'm currently working on Ubuntu 22 
and processing the images from an exFAT drive.

After digging a bit, I realised that symbolic links cannot be created on exFAT 
drives. I then came across another post that suggest to change all 'ln' to cp 
instead. While that works for the remaining steps. It started exiting with 
errors at this stage.

The stage where it stops
#@# Qdec Cache preproc lh white.K fsaverage Wed Sep 13 15:40:33 +08 2023

The error that was in the error log.
CMD mris_preproc --s ED751_SAG_MPRAGE_p2_NON-SSc.nii --hemi lh --meas white.K 
--target fsaverage --out lh.white.K.fsaverage.mgh

What should I do to resolve this issue?




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