External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Yujing,
I'll try to explain it more explicitly, I rerun my Code and show the
results beyond attaching the Registration files too.

Consider a 3D-Nifti image called "Image.nii" the steps bellow executed in
0- Every time we Will generate a random Registration Matrix and Save it
under the name "fsl.mat" which is the desired Registration matrix.
fsl.mat :=

[[ 0.95509431, -0.28438761, 0.08317783, -5.        ]
 [ 0.2961434,   0.90701597, -0.29936787, -5.        ]
 [ 0.00969289,  0.31055712,  0.9505053,  -2.        ]
 [ 0.,          0.,          0.,          1.        ]]


1- using a known registration matrice (called and attached in the first
message and this message as "fsl.mat") resample the "Image.nii" to second
Image called "fsl_resampled.nii"
      Command :   flirt -ref ./Image.nii -in ./Image.nii -applyxfm -init
./fsl.mat -out ./fsl_resampled.nii -interp spline
2- find out the registration matrices using Registration Methods, here we
will use FSL, FreesSurefer, ANTs:
2.1. FSL Commands:
      Command : flirt -in ./Image.nii -out ./fslregistered.nii.gz -ref
./fsl_resampled.nii.gz -cost normmi -dof 6 -omat ./fslregistered.mat
-interp spline
fslregistered :

0.9551458402  -0.2842262621  0.08313877187  -5.029802253
0.2959789517  0.9070999982  -0.2992758021  -5.014360215
0.009646861275  0.3104593324  0.9505376886  -1.971170444
0  0  0  1

The Registration Matrice in this Case Called "fslregistered.mat", using
lta_convert we will make "fslregistered.lta"
      Command : lta_convert --infsl ./fsl/fslregistered.mat --outlta
./fsl/fslregistered.lta --src ./Image.nii --trg ./fsl/fslregistered.nii.gz
fslregistered.lta :

9.551459550857544e-01 -2.368552237749100e-01 6.928230822086334e-02
3.551747798919678e-01 9.071001410484314e-01 -2.992758452892303e-01
1.157622877508402e-02 3.104593753814697e-01 9.505378007888794e-01
0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00

2.2. FreeSurfer Commands:
      Command : mri_robust_register --mov ./Image.nii --dst
./fsl_resampled.nii.gz --mapmov ./freesurfer.nii --lta freesurfer.lta
--halfmov half-mov.nii --halfdst halfdst.nii --halfmovlta h1.lta
--halfdstlta h2.lta --iscale --satit

freesurfer.lta :
type      = 0 # LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX
nxforms   = 1
mean      = 87.0000 129.0000 106.0000
sigma     = 10000.0000
1 4 49.550938606262207e-01 -2.369909435510635e-01
6.931482255458832e-02 -4.167178630828857e+00
3.553738296031952e-01 9.070160388946533e-01 -2.993661761283875e-01
1.163147203624249e-02 3.105554580688477e-01 9.505058526992798e-01
0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00

The Registration Matrice in this Case Called "freesurfer.lta", using
lta_convert we will do the conversion and build the FSL-Space
      Command : lta_convert --inlta ./freesurfer/freesurfer.lta --outfsl
./freesurfer/freesurfer.mat --src ./Image.nii --trg ./fsl_resampled.nii.gz

freesurfer.mat :
   0.95509410   -0.28438917    0.08317780   -5.00063801
   0.29614490    0.90701610   -0.29936624   -4.99965954
   0.00969290    0.31055552    0.95050597   -2.00067019
   0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000    1.00000000

2.3. ANTs Commands:
     Commands : antsRegistrationSyNQuick.sh -d 3 -f ./fsl_resampled.nii.gz
-m ./Image.nii -o ants_ -t r
 Using the ConvertTransform File we will make the "ants.txt"
     Command : ConvertTransformFile 3 ./ANTS/ants_0GenericAffine.mat

#Insight Transform File V1.0
#Transform 0
Transform: AffineTransform_double_3_3
Parameters: 0.9996357319973235 -0.01682948721742278
-0.021099091785527296 0.015864886388920783 0.9988573896699559
-0.045080156184165145 0.02183365965755943 0.04472900023162478
0.9987605357863502 -2.215029749904149 1.2122977228542815
FixedParameters: 5.195914900051355 -10.250280974097581 -6.670270481513606

Using lta_convert we first make "ants.lta"
     Command: lta_convert --initk ./ANTS/ants.txt --outlta ./ANTS/ants.lta
--src ./Image.nii --trg ./fsl_resampled.nii.gz --ltavox2vox

type      = 0 # LINEAR_VOX_TO_VOX
nxforms   = 1
mean      = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
sigma     = 1.0000
1 4 49.996357560157776e-01 -1.322073861956596e-02
1.819471642374992e-02 1.924201965332031e+00
2.019538544118404e-02 9.988574385643005e-01 -4.472899809479713e-02
-2.531890943646431e-02 4.508015885949135e-02 9.987605214118958e-01
0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00 0.000000000000000e+00
Using the lta_convert we make the "ants.mat", the FSL-Spaced
Registration matrix for ANTs
      Command: lta_convert --inlta ./ANTS/ants.lta --outfsl
./ANTS/ants.mat --src ./Image.nii --trg ./fsl_resampled.nii.gz
  0.99963582   -0.01586489    0.02183366    2.30903101
   0.01682949    0.99885744   -0.04472899    3.62335658
  -0.02109909    0.04508016    0.99876052    2.64244890
   0.00000000    0.00000000    0.00000000    1.00000000

As we could see there are problems in 'ants.lta' and 'ants.mat', I'm
not sure Yet but I Suspect that the "PSR" Orientation of the Image
Which is a Left-handed coordination System may cause that because in
Another Experiment with "LAS" these problem had been occured but in
another "RAS" Image the lta_convertor worked precisely with no

The Registration Files are attached for More Information about Image's
Geometry Sform's and Other ...



On Mon, 25 Sept 2023 at 17:16, Huang, Yujing <yhuan...@mgh.harvard.edu>

>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hi Yazdan,
> I’m trying to understand the issues.
> Can you specify the commands used to generate the matrices attached to
> your email? And give more details of the issues you are seeing?
> Best,
> Yujing
> *From:* freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <
> freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> *On Behalf Of *Yazdan Rezaee
> Jouryabi
> *Sent:* Monday, September 25, 2023 1:49 AM
> *To:* freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
> *Subject:* [Freesurfer] lta_convert issue with ants Registration Matrix
> *        External Email - Use Caution        *
> Dear all, Hi
> for checking registration i used fsl applyxfm on an Image(1)(Called
> Image.nii ) with specific Registration Matrice (Which we suppose to receive
> when we apply registration Methods) and Generate the "fsl_resampled.nii.gz"
> (Note: Image Orientations were LAS and in one other Experiment with also
> the same problem PSR)
> for our case i will attach the "fsl.mat" (Desired Matrix)
> using, fsl, freesurfer, and ants i got the correct results (let's call
> them "fslregistered.mat" and "freesurfer.mat" the converted lta to
> fsl-liked Matrix) Everything is OK till now
>  But the converted lta-like and fsl-like matrix for ANTs (Which are called
> ants.lta, and ants.mat) using the lines below:
> - ConvertTransformFile 3 ./ANTS/ants_0GenericAffine.mat ./ANTS/ants.txt
> - lta_convert --initk ./ANTS/ants.txt --outlta ./ANTS/ants.lta --src
> ./Image.nii --trg ./fsl_resampled.nii.gz --ltavox2vox
> - lta_convert --inlta ./ANTS/ants.lta --outfsl ./ANTS/ants.mat --src
> ./Image.nii --trg ./fsl_resampled.nii.gz
> As All Results Images (Registered Image of all Methods) are aligned
> perfectly i think that there might be some issues with lta_convert
> Best Regards
> Yazdan Rezaee J
> *P.S. *" I've checked the one similar mail on this topic and the
> conclusion on that was about (sform, qform) incompatibility but the affine
> matrices of S-form and q-form are equivalent in my case."
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#Insight Transform File V1.0
#Transform 0
Transform: AffineTransform_double_3_3
Parameters: 0.9996357319973235 -0.01682948721742278 -0.021099091785527296 
0.015864886388920783 0.9988573896699559 -0.045080156184165145 
0.02183365965755943 0.04472900023162478 0.9987605357863502 -2.215029749904149 
1.2122977228542815 -6.0667455324006445
FixedParameters: 5.195914900051355 -10.250280974097581 -6.670270481513606

Attachment: fsl.mat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fslregistered.lta
Description: Binary data

Attachment: fslregistered.mat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: freesurfer.lta
Description: Binary data

Attachment: freesurfer.mat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ants.mat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ants.lta
Description: Binary data

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