On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 11:30, Dirk Meyer wrote:
> Idlebar -- there was a discussion about that on IRC some days ago. I
> would like to make it possible to use the idle bar on _all_ skins. But
> I don't want to design all skins with the free space for the idle bar,
> maybe the user doesn't want the bar and it would be a waste of space. 


> Solution: when we use the idle bar, the skin should be scale down the
> areas automaticly to make free space for the bar.


> The question is: how
> should the skin know that space is needed?

This is usually accomplished with a layout manager.  Most GUI toolkits
have them, several different ones in fact.

Just an observation: it seems that Freevo has taken on the task of
writing yet-another-GUI-toolkit rather than leveraging off of the many
that are already out there and relatively mature.


Brian J. Murrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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