--- Dirk Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: 
> Aubin Paul wrote:
> > Are there any major changes expected before 1.4 or should we start
> > doing pre-releases? It's a big change, and it would be nice to have
> > the packages all available at release time too.
> As Michael wrote: we are waiting for the new recorderserver to move
> into the main cvs branch. After that is done, we should release
> 1.4-rc1 or 1.4-pre1.
> Here are also some random thoughts about the next release and what we
> should put in it:
> o Move the splashscreen settings into the skin. 

Yes. :)
> o I want to remove testfiles as discussed some weeks ago. I will
>   create a small tarball on the website. Or maybe we don't need it at
>   all? 

IMHO, remove it all, default DIR_MOVIES to ~/

> o Remove the runtime directory from the freevo cvs tree. Freevo
> itself
>   doesn't need the runtime and should be 100% Python. I would create
>   an extra repository for the runtime because it should still be
>   under cvs control.

Please, maintain an updated dependancies list! If it already exists,
place it easy to find, because most of users (at least on IRC) can't
get all the deps and then build, they need to go and try to run, then
they need PIL, then they need PyGAME, then SDL, SDL_ttf2, PyNumeric,

> o Since Freevo should be 100% Python, Gustavos audio goom display
>   should also get a repository on it's own. 

I can maintain it outside freevo if you want. 

> Or maybe a repository
>   freevo-apps containing all non Python apps we will write. The
> binary
>   of cause should be part of the runtime. And I'm thinking of a way
> to
>   integrate the tool itself.

I don't know if you looked at it, but it has a --slave mode, just like
mplayer. Read the README file, there you get all comands, but basically

sr <width> <height>  == set resolution
cm <fontfile> <ptsize> <x> <y> <fgcolor> <msg>  == show message
cms <fontfile> <ptsize> <x> <y> <fgcolor> <shx> <shy> <shcolor> <msg> 
== show message with shadow
m  == toggle display of messages
dm <id>  == destroy previously created message (the cm/cms will return
an ID on STDOUT in hexa (the pointer to the message in list ;)

And you can start/stop this software anytime you want. Also, be aware
that this @ 800x600 eats a good amount of CPU.

> o Besides some small changes I would like to move my tasks to
>   usability. 
>   - Right now we have 4 config files: freevo.conf, local_conf.py,
>     lircrc and the init configuration file. I want to make that
> easier
>     by auto-creating some stuff. Krister made a start by adding rom
>     drive detection, Aubin added tv channel list creation. I'm
>     thinking of 
>     * creating the lircrc if it's missing based in /etc/lircd
>     * create better default settings based on the graphic card used
> (I
>       will need help from users to get their settings for this)

We need kind of knowledge DB for that.

>   - Better Error messages. Not only local_conf.py not found, better
>     output were Freevo looked for it and why this file may be needed
>     and how to write it. Some for freevo.conf


>   - Write some docs.

And update Wiki. Ie: there, the plugin idlebar should be activated like
idlebar.interface (right for 1.3.4), but it's just "idlebar" in CVS.
Also, maybe this can go in local_conf.py changes

> o I have one big task on my personal list right now: if Michael is
>   finished with the headline plugin for now, I will use it to extend
>   the skin in two ways. The rss files also contain a <description>
> for
>   most of the items. So
>   - make it possible to have a 'default' menu with information
>     area. The listing will show the headlines, the info area the
>     description of the item. I don't want to add headline as type to
>     the skin, a basic 'info' class showing item.description is better
>     for future use.

Maybe a way to choose the font?

>   - make it possible to get a blank screen from the skin. Maybe the
>     plugin wants to display some stuff, independed of skin settings
>     with no menu at all. 

Yeah, that will be needed. 


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