"Jan Grewe" wrote:
> Seems like my previous mail with the skin attached didn't show up here, so i
> won't attach the file, but go to 
> http://faked.org/crystal.tar.gz
> To download it ...
> i took the Noia skin and exchanged the icons (except weather/holidays) and
> changed some details, there's not much changed, but it looks a lot slicker
> already ... Any feedback welcome!

Looks nice. When I saw the skin, I noticed that we don't have support
for external skins, like run one script to install it. I would like to
transform the tgz to be an example of external skins and will put it
on the website.

> Just unzip into your /usr/share/freevo dir, but MAKE BACKUPS of the old
> icons in 'status' and 'misc', those are using the same name as the old skin!
> All other icons have their own name or are in a subdir.

That's bad. I will fix the skin code that the icons in status can also
be in skin-icon-dir/status so you don't have to override the default

There is also a bug with the watermarks. When I select headlines, I
see the transparent image with a bad black background. I will fix
that, too. 


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