My email access is in spurts lately due to being away from the office....

On Sat, 1 Nov 2003, Dirk Meyer wrote:

> OK, let's see. The bad stuff are the RPM files. I took a quick at it:
> remove:
> -------
> The following files are empty, why are they there?
>     freevo-recording-suite-1.4-2_freevo.i386.rpm
>     freevo-recording-suite-1.4-2_freevo.src.rpm
>     freevo-core-suite-1.4-2_freevo.i386.rpm
>     freevo-core-suite-1.4-2_freevo.src.rpm

These are called 'meta-packages'. They define the dependencies
needed to setup a freevo system. Hence if you try to install
freevo-core-suite and it complains about missing dependency package, you
can figure out what else needs to be installed. Also can be used by
apt-get or similar auto-dependency resolving software.

This is mentioned in the Changelog (version info) for the depedency
package section I think.

> I looked over the code, I guess we don't need this anymore:
>     python-fchksum-1.7.1-1_freevo.i386.rpm
>     python-fchksum-1.7.1-1_freevo.src.rpm


> if the user wants no tcl/tk he should compile himself:
>     PIL-1.1.4-2_freevo.i386.rpm
>     PIL-1.1.4-2_freevo.src.rpm

This was provided more as a favor to newbies. Not strictly necessary.

> If the user wants to use the runtime, ok. But I don't think we need
> RPMs containing the runtime, so we can remove
>     freevo-runtime-8.01-rc1.i386.rpm
>     freevo-boot-1.4-rc1.i386.rpm
>     freevo-apps-1.4-rc1.i386.rpm

The runtime package is not present in freevo-1.4-rc1.i386.rpm. I split it
up for easier downloading, so there's freevo, freevo-runtime,
freevo-apps, and freevo-boot.

Therefore if you plan to have a separate runtime from the freevo tgz
package, it is exactly what I've been doing with the RPM packages at this

If the runtime isn't an RPM package, the runtime would be installed as a
tgz file and not be 'recognized' by the RPM package manager that it

> use other:
> ----------
> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/zapping/mp1e-1.9.2-1.i586.rpm is
>     the original download site for:
>     mp1e-1.9.3-1_freevo.i386.rpm
>     mp1e-1.9.3-1_freevo.src.rpm

The mp1e tgz is newer than the RPM. If 1.9.2 works just fine, then I guess
we don't really need to provide it.

> That leaves out:
> ----------------
> I guess if a user can install a lcd, he can compile these himself. If
>     not, we should keep them:
>     lcdproc-0.4.3-4_freevo.i386.rpm
>     lcdproc-0.4.3-4_freevo.src.rpm
>     pylcd-0.2-1_freevo.i386.rpm
>     pylcd-0.2-1_freevo.src.rpm

Basically for newbies.

> Move to mmpython website:
>     mmpython-0.2-1_freevo.i386.rpm
>     mmpython-0.2-1_freevo.src.rpm

Ok. Should release mmpython-0.3 actually.

> OK, you got me: I didn't found RPMs for them, we should keep them.
>     python-twisted-1.0.7-1_freevo.i386.rpm
>     python-twisted-1.0.7-1_freevo.src.rpm
>     python-twisted-doc-1.0.7-1_freevo.i386.rpm

Currently a problem.

> The remaining RPMs for deps should be moved to the web site
> (www.freevo.org/rpm).

I'm not familiar with how to manage downloads outside of the file release
system (e.g., who has write access?). If some of the components are
updated then the website would be affected as well.

Wan Tat Chee (Lecturer)
School of Computer Science, Univ. of Science Malaysia,
11800 USM, Penang, Malaysia.      Rm.625 Ofc Ph: +604 653-3888 x 3617
NRG Lab Admin: +604 659-4757           Rm.601-E Ofc Ph: +604 653-4396
Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]            Web: http://nrg.cs.usm.my/~tcwan
GPG Key : http://nrg.cs.usm.my/~tcwan/tcw_gpg-20030322.asc
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