Aubin Paul wrote:
On Sun, Nov 23, 2003 at 05:49:57PM -0600, Krister Lagerstrom wrote:

That can't be right, since it implies that your harddrive can read data at 200 Mbytes/sec? But do you really need to do an MD5 on a file to notice changes, isn't it enough to check size, last change date etc?

Seemed weird to me too... but a burst read isn't the same as a
sustained seek+read. I use reiserfs, and I used 'time' to time the
command, so it might not be 100% accurate, but essentially it happened
as fast as I could hit enter... there was clearly not a visisble
delay, and I just did it a couple of times with the 'time' command.

After the first time you did it, it was probably cached by the OS. You probably don't want to run MD5 on whole files too often. Shouldn't size+modtime be enough to see if it changed?

/ Krister

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