Dirk Meyer wrote:

>>And what I would like is to add an extra UI (using remote-control) for 
>>the player's configuration (basicly to setup and test networking).
> You need that part of kaa that is not finished yet. Freevo 2.0 now
> uses kaa.mevas as gui engine, but it is too slow. There is kaa.canvas
> which is based on evas but also has some performace problems. Jason
> wants to do a rewrite of that called kaa.cnady which will be usable at
> the end of May.

Humm, well, then I'll wait the end of May before starting this project. 
I hope it will be available in time, I can't wait too long.

Would it be a big change starting with kaa.canvas objects as a few place 
holders and switch later to kaa.candy when it's available ?

>>There would also be some pages to see the player's statistics (disk 
>>space usage, display some logs, system's information, etc...).
>>It should also be able to play with different outputs: vga, hdmi, 
>>s-video. Besides VGA, I don't know much about this and how feasable this 
>>is (any driver specific depenencies ?).
> Kaa provies a player called kaa.popcorn that uses mplayer or xine as
> backend. A gstreamer backend is work in progress. We also have a cool
> main loop (kaa.notifier in kaa.base), some nice helper stuff in
> kaa.base, metadata parser (kaa.metadata), a generic display driver
> (kaa.display) with X11 and FB support (DFB coming I hope) and an
> integrated webserver based on cherrypy. You also get db access, rpc
> and a config module.

I'll probably be using all of those modules. kaa.popcorn for the player 
part. Which player would suite best my needs ? It's mainly for playback, 
but as I said, I'd like to have some dynamic text positionning over the 
video (maybe this should be done directly with kaa.canvas/candy).

I read the documentation about kaa.base, it seems to provide all the 
necessary tools for handling events and orchestring the whole thing.

kaa.metadata is always handy to extract info from files.

I guess kaa.display is where the output (to the screen) is handled. All 
these X11, (D)FB, OpenGL, SDL and pygame words are still dark for me as 
I'm only familiar with linux's command line.

The RPC part will probably useful for me as well as the player will 
communicate with a server for playlist and content management and updates.

All that "kaa" sounds good. :)

Alexandre CONRAD

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