On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 11:00:29 +0200
Kai Fricke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What is the reason for firectfb 0.9.19? I think i have 0.9.18 the one 
> that is distributed in the gentoo ebuilds.
If you 

ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86 emerge DirectFB

you'll get the latest.  I saw it recommende in the archive I think.

> What does the 'primary-layer=2' mean? I already use the other two settings.

I believe this may have come in with 0.19, it instructs directfb to run on the second 

> I've not seen anything about dfbmga in the freevo_local.conf. So i used 
> directfb instead for the freevo.conf. I also didn't know that i can tell 
> something about pal or ntsc in the freevo.conf

you need to set these in freevo.conf. 

> I did the circular build of sdl. Did you use the emerge build? i fetched 
> the CVS version the second time.

I copied the sdl ebuild to /usr/local/portage (my overlay directory) and changed it to 
point to an sdl snapshot.  I could forward you the new ebuild, but I'm not a developer 
so I make no promises for its saneness.

> I will try the two things you pointed me on and than if it didn't do the 
> trick i will start from scratch because i can't remember every single step.
> BTW: Which kernel do you use for the best G450 framebuffer support? I 
> tried 2.4.21, but that one is seriously broken with G450 FB.
> So i stayed with the 2.4.20 provided by gentoo.
> How about 2.4.22? Any experiences?

I'm running 2.4.20-gentoo-r6, but I should say that I'm running a G400.  I believe 
however that other than the kernel the setup should be similar.

One more thing, I'm not sure if the vsync patch is needed, you may want to add -vo 
dfbmga:buffermode=triple to your mplayer args in local_config.py.  But note this will 
only come into play when watching videos.  I did patch my kernel but had to remove the 
define from /usr/include/.... so I dont think I'm using it.  I'm not sure onb this 

Hope this helps


> mark wrote:
> > I'll take a shot at it.  I recommend you use DirectFB 0.9.19.  You need this is 
> > /etc/directfbrc, amend it if your on NTSC
> > 
> > matrox-crtc2
> > matrox-tv-standard=pal
> > primary-layer=2
> > 
> > and this in freevo.conf
> > 
> > display = dfbmga
> > geometry = 720x576
> > tv = pal
> > 
> > During freevo startup what is the output? Do you see messages from DirectFB
> > 
> > On Gentoo I had to build libsdl then DirectFB then libsdl again due to circular 
> > dependencies.  I didnt need to set environment variables but others have.  
> > 
> > I needed to patch mplayer with the latest dfbmga-update patch (this even applies 
> > to 0.91).  But since your mplayer runs okay standalone thats probably not your 
> > problem
> > 
> > Try to provide more detail about the steps you have followed.
> > 
> > Mark
> > 
> > On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 16:17:45 +0200
> > Kai Fricke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >>Hi!
> >>
> >>I would be very pleased to get some help with my problem. I've found
> >>alot snippets on the freevo wiki pages and links here and there, but
> >>nothing completely focused on using freevo on dfbmga. So here comes my
> >>story...
> >>
> >>I've read alot about setting up freevo the best way on my configuration.
> >>The main problem is to get the Matrox G450 up and running correctly on
> >>tvout.
> >>The best way seems to be the directfb library and the directfb patches
> >>found in the mplayer sources. They enable the system to play very nice
> >>movies with mplayer on the tvout (which is by the way the y-cable on the
> >>second head of the g450). And all of this without playing around with
> >>framebuffer tweaking for proper PAL display settings (timing,
> >>resolution, etc.).
> >>
> >>The final step i thought was to fetch the SDL library from CVS. I did
> >>that and the 'ldd /../libSDL.so' tells me that she seems to use the
> >>directfb library if told so.
> >>
> >>But how do i really get freevo to use the dfbmga (directfb on mga fb
> >>combination) output?
> >>I only found the display parameter directfb in the freevo
> >>configurations. This way i still get the output on my first head, my
> >>monitor, and not on the second, my tv.
> >>When i insert the mplayer parameters for dfbmga, which give me nice
> >>video on the tv as i would like, into the freevo configuration, my
> >>monitor gets black when i try to play a movie, but nothing happens. the
> >>mplayer logfiles tell nothing bad, the mention the driectfb settings and
> >>so on, but the vt stays dark.
> >>
> >>I remember some SDL environment settings to control some settings of the
> >>SDL library, but i've not found anything about this with google. Is this
> >>the way i need to go? Or am i completly wrong?
> >>
> >>I'm kind of stuck with this. How can i tell the sdl to use my dfbmga
> >>output :-(
> >>
> >>-- 
> >>#kai
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> > 
> -- 
> #kai
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