Has anyone thought of supporting the MVP with freevo?

I'm not sure exactly what it would entail as its a fairly limited little
box. It is based on a PPC with hardware mpeg1/2 chip that reads streams from
the network.

I was just curious if it was possible as I was using freevo with a dxr3 and
from what I understand freevo transcoded everything for the dxr3 (which I
guess means mpeg streams - including the menus). If that is the case it
wouldn't be a hugh step to stream that stream over the network to the MVP.

What I know about the MVP: Apart from the PPC, hardware mpeg1/2 chip. It is
running linux, it has a bit of firmware that enables it to search for the
MVP on the network (At this point it appears to be searching for an TFTP
server, which then uploads the rest of the OS (a file called dongle.bin
(screaming out for someone to hack it)) which then loads menus from the MVP
server (these are just html - but I think they are sent using some sort of
VNC like process (as you can view the menu on the PC). As for the remote
return commands, I don't know much about that.

There is a project (www.gbpvr.com ) that has implemented this, but its media
support for the MVP is limited.

The original MVP software from Hauppauge leaves a lot to be desired even
with the beta software that adds wma/wmv and divx support. The transcoding
is inefficient as when I try to play a divx movie thru the MVP from my dual
1G PIII it says it isn't fast enough... with freevo playing divx thru the
dxr3 (transcoding to mpeg?) on a dual celeron 400MHz it could just about

The cost of the MVP is low with many vendors carrying it @ GBP £50 and its
small (smaller than a video cassette) and its quiet (no noise at all). And
to top it all off the video output is great, as good as the dxr3 on TV.

Anyway - what do people think?


"Yesterday I saw the Red Arrows flying information, then I saw the Red
Arrows flying in formation"

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