On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 08:01 -0400, Jason Tackaberry wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-07-20 at 10:24 +0100, Karl Lattimer wrote:
> > http://www.lugradio.org/episodes/33
> Listened to it the other day.  They really seemed to have a difficult
> time grokking what gstreamer actually is, and the guy that knew had
> trouble explaining it. :)  But lugradio is always a hoot to listen to.
I spotted that too, but esentially gstreamer is a pipeline framework
which can take input as a file/uri/device pipe it through conversion for
screen/file/device/uri output with any number of plugable elements in
between which can manipulate the stream.

Bloody clever imho!

> All this, of course, sounds good.  And I've been keeping my left eye on
> gstreamer for quite some time.  It's definitely a viable option for the
> future.  But the main problem right now is that it simply lacks the
> maturity of Xine and mplayer.  It's been steadily making good progress,
> but until it can play at least 80% of my video collection without
> crashing, it's not ready for a serious look.
I've recently been playing with the pitfdll plugin, now I can play
(albeit quite badly on some encodings) wmv/wma using the win32 codecs.
Also with gstreamer 8.10-12 I haven't had any crashers on my audio
collection, video has in some instances caused some errors but mainly on
badly cut mpeg 4 files, I have tried dvd with css through gstreamer and
this has worked without a crash, but I'm not quite brave enough to
install totem cvs with the dvdnav added.

I think the 80% target is reached, but really what we are looking for is
a 99% target, and possibly have mplayer to recode video which does crash
gstreamer as a backup solution.

On the whole its looking like gstreamer is going to be _the_ linux media
framework replacing all of the various players over time, kind of like a
direct show equivalent.

> Of course, I could report all those bugs, and indeed I have reported a
> few, but I want to spend my hacking doing something that gives more
> immediate returns, which is why I'm presently writing python bindings
> for xine and developing a new canvas framework.  The design I'm using
> will make it easy to plug in a new media framework like gstreamer.  So
> when gst is more mature, I'll definitely have a close look.  The 0.9
> release might be the one.

0.9 will be too unstable, but the release cycle is getting faster with
the fluendo (is that right) backing, its good to hear that freevo will
be able to support gstreamer in the future, and I think its something
that after the long awaited TwoPointZero! release of freevo that should
be looked at more positively and actively as a wider solution, of course
it would always be a good idea to backup gstreamer support with
xine/mplayer so I wouldn't suggest removing support for these.

Maybe by gstreamer 1.0 we'll have 99% support (which is probably better
than microsoft media player) and it could then be time for people to
start submitting feature requests and build a wishlist for


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