Karl Lattimer wrote:
> yeah, and multicast to all of your rooms, imagine the implications
> of a 'tuner box' with like 5 tuner cards in it, freevo could record
> from 5 channels AND timeshift all five on different freevo boxes on
> screen, because vlc allows you to have as many clients as your
> bandwidth limitations provide.

Yes, it all sounds nice. But I failed to get vlc running. In fact (if
it is a good design), the client does the time shifting, not the
server. So vlc as tv player is what you want.

But let me tell you what I have in mind: one recordserver, many
recorders on different machines (that is working right now). If you
want to watch tv, you contact the recordserver (since there can only
be one app knowing what should be on what tv vard). The recordserver
records to multicast if you like, or (as we do it know) in a directory
with a set of files. 

Most of it is already working in cvs.

So why not vlc? First of all, I couldn't get it running. Second: every
new player (vlc, gstreamer, whatever) takes time to integrate into
Freevo. I don't have that time. So _I_ will only integrate two
programs: mplayer and xine. But this two will be integrated with
freevo having _full_ control over the stream and freevo drawing on top
of the video. So this is more important to me than supporting every
player. But if someone whats to help, I would accept vlc patches. 

> Or how about, a bunch of freevo boxes which share channels each one
> will only ever stream a different channel, the boxes all communicate
> with each other so if one freevo is already providing a channel
> there isn't any need to start streaming it a second time, now if one
> of the boxes in the cluster is missing a tv tuner, that is ok,
> because it can request a stream from one of the others that does. If
> someone is watching tv on one, and an item in their recording
> schedule is about to start, it could utilise a tuner in a remote box
> also. It could also be possible to share recording schedule across
> all of the systems in the cluster, at that point it would probably
> be a good idea to set up NFS or a cluster file system to efficiently
> share storage requirements and ensure access to each of the freevo
> boxes. If one system gets nominated for the first item in the
> recording schedule, then the next available box can pick up the next
> one, and so on. The advantages of using a client/ server based TV
> model are pretty much endless.

Yes, and we are using it in Freevo cvs. In fact, there is a module
kaa.record in cvs that can record to an output stream. Currently only
dvb input and file output, but that can be enhanced. All a recorder
needs to do is to add a mbus interface so the recordserver can control
it. vlc has no such bindings, but someone could write it. Same for
vdr. But (again) I don't have time for it. 

> I just wish I knew python and could code this stuff ;S



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