Has there been any changes to the way freevo uses xine between 1.7.1 and 

It appears to be issuing the correct command:

 /usr/bin/xine --auto-play=fq --hide-gui --borderless --geometry 
720x576+0+0 --no-splash --stdctl -V xxmc -A alsa --no-lirc 

But my CPU usage has rocketed, seeking is now very slow as there is a 
huge amount of CPU being used just to play back. And stopping the video 
takes ages, again as all the CPU is going on playing video.

-V xxmc should make xine use my XVMC accelerated output. I've not 
changed my X drivers or my xine install, simply upgraded to 1.7.5 of 
freevo. Does freevo now launch in a different manner which might mean 
that xine cannot open the output correctly?

The transport streams I am playing back are not very good quality, but 
they used to work!

I get new errors in the log that I didn't see before, which might be 
related to the changes?

2008-01-27 21:01:11,459 INFO     trying mpeg-pes scan
2008-01-27 21:01:11,466 INFO     No Type found by Extension. Trying all
2008-01-27 21:01:11,470 INFO     Invalid header

Any help greatly appreciated, and help with turning on debugging also 
appreciated to sort this out! And given my bad quality transport 
streams, can I change the behaviour so that freevo just trusts that 
something called a TS is a transport stream afterall?



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