Evan Hisey wrote:
> David-
>   The feature you actually are looking for is going in to the SVN
> soon, but has not made yet do to waiting for the XINE guys to make the
> next stable release on their end. We need a feature from them, so that
> the ivtv_sine plugins will be able to do the VCR style recording. Some
> thing that may work for you is when you find a show you like go back
> to the TV guide and tell it to record that show. IT will setup a the
> record server to record a show that has already started it will pick
> up the show with in about 15 -20 seconds and record till the end.
> Evan
> On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 8:48 PM, David Frager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am currently running FC8 w/MythTV, but it does not appear to be geared for
>>  how I want to use it at this time, so I want to give freevo a shot.
>>  I am able to start freevo up successfully, however when I go under the watch
>>  TV menu, I don't see anyway to just watch / record what is currently
>>  playing.  I am currently using the PC for web access and playing of music.
>>  I want to initially use the video capture card as a VCR...set my FiOS STB to
>>  a program and manually record it.
>>  Can someone please point me to the proper location for how to configure
>>  this?  I am using a PVR-150 card.
>>  Thanks
I don't think David is looking for that feature - he's just trying to 
view and record TV? If that's the case it should be fairly easy for you 
with the pvr150 card. You'll be using the ivtv_xine plugin. Have a look 
through the following pages on the wiki to get you started. If you're 
still stuck turn on debugging and post back here.

http://doc.freevo.org/Configuration - starting point for configuring freevo
http://doc.freevo.org/TVConfig - starting point for all tv 
configurations dvb/ivtv/analogue
http://doc.freevo.org/XMLTV - to configure your guide data.
http://doc.freevo.org/Analogueivtv - to configure freevo for your ivtv 
card (which I've just updated :) )


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