Stephen Guerin wrote:
Owen writes:
BUT we're missing a "sweet spot" in the middle: a fairly 
realistic 3D environment that can do realtime modeling .. 
i.e. animation via behavior.  We also want to have some 
notion of "physics" .. i.e.  
things bouncing off walls or agents colliding.  (Blender thus 
far has not worked, but we're still poking.)

Blender game engine may still work..though we haven't really pushed it.

Also, as a fun sample just in time for Halloween, here's a nice little
semi-addictive game for Halloween where you get to knock some skulls. My
furthest so far was 55.3 meters. :-)

Written in Director/Shockwave, it's web deployable, cross-platform (mac/win),
physics engine via Havok and can input bone-animated models from the major
animation tools.



A friend says " , scenegraph manager, as for physics there is something called ODE that works nice with mentioned openscenegraph. Java is not my area"
but it looks like there are Java wrappers for openscenegraph, I don't have any idea whether this is useful
for you or not. Includes an ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) demo at

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