
For a commercial service I use Network Solutions (NS). They have 24x7 live support. You can check out their basic hosting packages at:


I notice they offer the open source tools of WordPress, Gallery and Tikiwiki as well as offering Blog tools and ImageCafe to build your own web site without coding HTML. I haven't tried out any of these but am using their PHP and MySql in my current 'Web2.0' project. NS are one of the domain name registrars too so you may also get a free domain name with an account. For about $120/yr it seems a good deal to me. If you get into capacity problems there's some serious upgrade options.

Here's what their site says about TikiWiki:

Tiki CMS/Groupware (Tikiwiki) is a powerful open-source Content Management System (CMS) and Groupware that can be used to create Web Applications, Sites, Portals, Intranets and Extranets. Major features include articles, forums and newsletters. You can use Tikiwiki as a forums site, a chatroom, for poll taking, customer support site and much more... For additional information on Tikiwiki, visit: http://www.tikiwiki.org <http://www.tikiwiki.org/>.

Thanks and good luck in your search.
PS Separately I sent you an invite from my NS account to your backspaces.net account. R

Owen Densmore wrote:
We're looking into which Hosting service to use, and what web Content Management System to use for our new Santa Fe Complex. Several of us have used HostGo and a variety of blog/cms software that they support.

But we may be outgrowing HostGo for The Complex.

Does anyone have suggestions and/or experiences?

One system I'm particularly interested in is Joyent (who bought TextDrive), which has built a really interesting system on Ruby on Rails + Open Solaris. They clearly have their heart in the right place (support open source, make their own code open source, and even give away free accounts), but I'm not yet sure if they'd fall down in some areas we'll need.

     -- Owen

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