I use hosting matters (www.hostingmatters.com) for turtlezero.com and
others (e.g. www.peephaiku.com)

 They offer "fantastico" for easy install of an assortment of
opensource cms and other apps,, plus you could install others at will.
 Has all the usual stuff: php, perl, mysql, etc..

I find their support staff to be very responsive and have had no
problems with them in the 3 or so years I've used them.

Also:, inexpensive.


On 2/17/08, Owen Densmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We're looking into which Hosting service to use, and what web Content
> Management System to use for our new Santa Fe Complex.  Several of us
> have used HostGo and a variety of blog/cms software that they support.
> But we may be outgrowing HostGo for The Complex.
> Does anyone have suggestions and/or experiences?
> One system I'm particularly interested in is Joyent (who bought
> TextDrive), which has built a really interesting system on Ruby on
> Rails + Open Solaris.  They clearly have their heart in the right
> place (support open source, make their own code open source, and even
> give away free accounts), but I'm not yet sure if they'd fall down in
> some areas we'll need.
>      -- Owen
> ============================================================
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> Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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Meets Fridays 9a-11:30 at cafe at St. John's College
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