Damned if I know. Clarity of an assertion about how the world works with intent 
to revise against subsequent experience?

Probably spent too much time in Vienna.


>>> "Robert Holmes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07/12/08 5:31 PM >>>
Let me see if I've followed David's argument... science doesn't need math
and it doesn't need to possess any predictive power and - given the
cultural/individual specificity of metaphors - reproducibility seems kinda
optional. So exactly what does something need to make it science?


On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 11:16 AM, Prof David West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>  As a human being, and as an anthropologist, I can make predictions and
>  create predictive models based on a largely non-conscious understanding
>  of culture.  Such predictions are not based on mathematics (a
>  mathematics of culture is pragmatically impossible at the moment).
>  Predictive models do not a science make.
>  davew
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