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I'm not singling out John for this comment, but just using it as a trigger . . .

On Oct 31, 2008, at 11:45 AM, John Sadd wrote:

 it is totally effing amazing that a black man

which raises the question, "Why isn't Obama white?"

If that question sounds silly to you, think a little about how deeply you and I and everyone seem to have internalized the "Jim Crow one drop rule" (i.e., one drop of "black" blood makes you black . . .).

Part of the trouble is that we're all "willfully ignorant" in our own ways, it's just hard to notice our own . . .

But back to Owen's question . . . I'd say that the Republicans have really gotten on board with the idea that it's OK to say and do *anything* to get elected. In my experience, Democrats tend to have at least a little trouble flat out lying . . .

I often play the "projection" game when I listen to political rhetoric -- i.e., if they accuse their opponents of something, it's probably because they know that's what they'd do (or are doing). A few examples: McCain says "Obama will say anything to get elected" (charge doesn't really apply to Obama, but certainly does to McCain). McCain/Palin say "Obama is a socialist" (Palin is popular in Alaska because she increased taxes on the rich (corporations) and gave the money directly to ordinary people, no strings attached). McCain says "Obama wants to `spread the wealth around'" -- meaning, he wants you to believe, take money from some people and give it to others (he, and rich Republicans, are all for it, as long as what you mean is, take $700 billion from ordinary people and give it to financial institutions . . .)

  Oh, well . . .


p.s.   On the "Why isn't Obama white?" question:

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