
The methods that the US political culture uses to discourage political involvement extend beyond merely fear mongering and wrecking the public educational system.

Billions of dollars are spent every year to distract the public and degrade the quality of public discourse.

The more well-known election-debasement techniques also include erecting barriers to voter registration and making the act of voting confusing and cumbersome.

BTW, IMHO most of the Democratic Party leadership is almost as guilty (and much more hypocritical) as the Republican Party leadership regarding the implementation of the aforementioned practices. Richard Nixon was to the left of Bill Clinton on most major issues.

--   Pat

On Oct 31, 2008, at 12:57 PM, Robert Cordingley wrote:


A theory (hypothesis strictly speaking) ... With all their polls and focus groups, the Republicans decided/discovered long ago that scaring the bejeebus out of people over fear of national insecurity was a great way to get elected and re-elected. The antidote to fear is a decent education, so the Republicans undermine the country's education system making it only available to the more wealthy, convicted right wingers who benefit from "them who has the gold make the rules". Then feed the less well educated on the belief of an American Dream (whateverthatis), repeat the mantra of "trickle-down-economics will work... trickle-..." and sleep well at night. Repeatedly tell folks Republicans are the only true patriots capable of defending the country from the foreign peril etc. and you have a self-perpetuating system. Until one day it just doesn't sell.

But as I say it's just a theory: could it be?

But I don't buy stupid people, I buy educationally deprived people, ie willful but not on their part.

Owen Densmore wrote:

I'm very willing to accept your premise that people are willful, stupid, ignorant, and all the rest.

The question is: why does that imply a particular voting pattern? Why do idiots vote republican? Have republicans mastered some weird sort of hypnotism that gathers in the ignorant?

I'd presume some sort of Gaussian curve for idiots, wouldn't you? Why are they skewed one way or the other? Why aren't they stupid enough to vote for Obama?

   -- Owen

On Oct 31, 2008, at 12:10 PM, Douglas Roberts wrote:

I'm guessing (purely guessing; I could be completely wrong) that you have
not ever had a job that brought you squarely into daily contact with
"average" people. I suggest this, because if you had, you most assuredly
would not be asking (paraphrasing now)

"Why are people so willing to be completely fucking ignorant?"

The answer, IMNSHO is: the human population is, in the aggregate, on the average, with some exceptions, pretty happy being completely fucking

Another way of asking your question would be: "Why are people the way they
are?"  The answer of course, is: "Because that's the way they are."

Of course now, I find myself wondering why you are wondering why people are
the way they are...

I mean, isn't it obvious?


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